Seeing Draco's relaxed approach toward an enemy made Xena's instincts go on high alert but still she slowed her advance to a slow trot with the rest of her men following suite.

Are they not attacking? Strange.

My thoughts exactly.

Do we go in full force anyway?

No, not yet.

Xena quickly scanned the area for anything suspicious but couldn't immediately see anything out of place but still something about the situation just didn't feel right to her.

Something about this isn't right. They've got something up their sleeve I can feel it. There's no way Draco didn't expect me to show up when set his sights on Amphipolis. He knows that's the one place that I'd never forfeit to anyone no matter the numbers. So it begs the question of what he's actually doing.

Xena sheathed her weapon.

Wait here. I'm gonna go in and see what's going on.

By yourself? My lord I know you're fighting abilities are second to none but even you can't take on a whole army out in the open like this on your own.

Don't be ridiculous Leonidas I'm not going in to fight. Draco likes to talk and there was a point when we weren't enemies. Actually I think he might've had a thing for me.

Well given the fact that he's going after Amphipolis of all places, I think it's probably safe to say at this point that ship has sailed.

(Sarcasm) Yeah it's a real tragedy.
Still it might give me something to work with so we can get the jump on him. Stay here and wait for my signal. Then we slaughter every last one of them.

The Conqueror's eye's turned to an ice cold stare as she focused on the enemy army's leader with fierce intensity.

(Cold tone) But just remember, that son of a bitch Draco is mine.

Then with the rest of her army staying behind, Xena rode in close to Draco's army. Seeing just Xena coming Draco got down from his mount and casually moved to stand a little in front of the rest of his forces as Xena reached him, stopping her horse just a few feet in front of him as he flashed a fake smile.

Ah Xena. Long time no see. So tell me what brings you here of all places.

(Angry tone) Fuck off Draco. You know damn well why I'm here.

Xena's face was fixed with what seemed to be a permanent scowl as she pointed her sword at the opposing warlord.

(Threatening tone) This is your one and only warning, back off and stay away from Amphipolis and anywhere else that you know is under my control or else.

Draco chuckled as he sat unintimidated by the Conqueror.

Or else what, Xena? Am I supposed to be afraid? What are you gonna do, capture me, torture, kill me? Ha! You might be able to intimate everyone else you come in contact with but not me.

Big talk for someone who took this long to make a move despite saying that you aren't scared.

It called preparation and planning. I might not fear you but I know what you and your army are capable of. So if I wanted to rip everything you have right out from under you, I needed to be fully prepared and give myself every advantage possible.

CONQUERING THE CONQUEROR Where stories live. Discover now