Chapter 20: The guild war (Arc 1)

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The sun rises apon Magnolia as we see Lucy sleeping on the bed until she woke up by the smell of delicious breakfast as she sat up from bed and smell something good in the kitchen so she goes into the kitchen and sees Y/n making breakfast.

Y/n: (smile) Morning Lucy.

Lucy: (smile) Morning. That smells delicious.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. I figure I make some breakfast for us while you sleep.

Lucy: (giggle) Your too kind.

She came over and kiss him on the cheek. Soon after they sat down as Lucy take a bite of the pancakes and they are really good.

Lucy: (surprised) This is really good. You sure know how to cook.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah even my team likes it.

Lucy: I bet.

Then Y/n's magi phone begins to ring so he pick it up and answer it.

Y/n: Oh hey Amy how is-

Then Amy begins to tell him something that surprised and confused him which Lucy noticed and soon they end the call.

Lucy: Is something wrong?

Y/n: Amy told me to come by the guild immediately.

Lucy: Why?

Y/n: Not sure but I have a bad feeling about this.

Lucy: Yeah same.



When they arrive at the guild they did suspect to see what has happened to it. The two are shocked to see the guild Hall damaged with iron like pillars sticking out all around the guild. They stood there shocked and wonders who could have done this.

Amy: Y/n! Lucy!

Then Amy, Sophie, Arthur and Noah came over as Y/n ask them.

Y/n: What happened to the guild?

Noah: The Phantom Lords did this.

Lucy: Who?

Arthur: (angry) The assholes who did this! I mean what did we do to them?!

Sophie: Calm down Arthur. At least no one was not injured.

Arthur: (sigh) Your right.

Lucy: Where is everyone?

They show them as they follow them inside the guild and into the basement where everyone is at. Everyone is mad at the Phantom Lords which both Y/n and Lucy have no idea who they are. Then they walk over to Grace and Ur helping out Mirajane and Makarov as they turn to see Lucy and Y/n here.

Ur: Guess they told you what happened.

Y/n: Yeah is everyone alright?

Ur: Yeah the attack only happen when the guild was close so no one was not harmed.

Grace: Still everyone isn't happy about it.

Lucy: What about Makarov?

Ur points over to see Makarov drunk as he is drinking some alcohol.

Ur: He's been like that since he found out what happened to the guild. Can't really much blame him.

Natsu: (angry) This isn't far!

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