Chapter 17: Reunion

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Ur: (smile) Long time no see....My best friend.

Grace stared in shock of seeing Ur covered in snow and ice as the two stared at each other for a long time. Then Grace started to cry and immediately hugged Ur which she smiled and hugged her back.

Grace: (tears) Your alive. I knew your alive. Ur....I'm so so sorry for everything. I should have given you that book, I-

Ur: (smile) Relax I don't blame you. I mean after all, I gonna risk my life to save my students. I mean.....they are sorta my kids.

Grace: Agree.

The two continue to hug and then they let go and look at each other and then Grace ask her.

Grace: So is this gonna permit or-

Ur: Huh? Oh no I think I'll return back to normal soon. Just need some time.

Grace: (smile) Well I'm relief.

The two of them smile and laugh as they are together after all these years as they leave the cave and return back to everyone else.



We were the Magirangers, Natsu, Happy, Lucy, Gray and Erza back at the village as they celebrated their victory as the village people also cheered along seeing that the threat of Deliora is over.

Y/n: (smile) That was amazing! It was the best thing I have ever felt!

Natsu: (smirk) You said it buddy! You were cool!

Happy: (smile) Super cool!

Sophie: (smile) Just glad the Hades empire lost their chance of taking over the surface.

Amy: (smile) That's good to hear.

Arthur: (smirk) You know i was not worried for a single bit while fighting Deliora.

Noah: (smirk) Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

Arthur: Whatever. At least this stupid quest is done and we can finally go home.


They immediately stop their celebration as they realised they forgotten the reason why Natsu and his team where here in the first place.

Arthur: Oh right, that thing. Hey you there!

We see Lyon tied up as he look up at Arthur as he ask him.

Arthur: How's about to get rid of this magic spell so we can go home.

Lyon: I can't.

Arthur: Well you don't really have a choice.

Lyon: No, I mean I can't because I don't know how this happen. We only came to this island and just saw it happen. We have nothing to do with it.

Amy: Then could it be the Hades empire?

Sophie: Don't think so. They all left so their magic would have been gone as well.

Noah: Then why isn't this village turning back to normal.

They were all confused while Y/n looks up into the sky and a thought came to him. After a while of looking up at the moon he thought of something.

Y/n: Erza can you summon your spear and point it at the moon?

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