Chapter 10: A mysterious arrival

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It was a nice day at Magnolia as we see Y/n in his house, trying out new spells as he read through the spell book and once he read some od the easy once, he turn and pulled out his magiphone and press in a spell code and swing it at the wall. Then there was a flash which nearly blinds Y/n and once he open his eyes he sees that he summon some normal boxing clubs which he was a bit disappointed.

Y/n: No that's not right. Maybe I need to concentrate more or maybe I'm missing something.

He looks down at the book only to hear a knock at his door. He make his way over and open it to reveal Amy at the other side od the door.

Amy: (smile) Hey Y/n, how's your day been going?

Y/n: (smile) Oh hey there Amy. Nothing much, just trying out some new spells. You?

Amy: (smile) Nothing much. Just done some clothes shopping since I need some new set of clothes.

Y/n: (smile) Guess that make sense.

Amy: Anyways I just came down here just to see your going to the guild today?

Y/n: Sure, just let me grab my stuff and we'll head there right away.

He heads off to grab his staff while Amy smiles and thinks to himself.

Amy: (thought) He's such soo dreamy. Maybe this will be a good time to go on a date with him. It would be great.


(Short while later)

Amy and Y/n were making their way to the guild Hall and once there they noticed a crowd around something as the two wonder why was everyone gathering around. They spotted Happy was giving out bets to everyone as they walk over to him.

Happy: (smile) Hey Y/n and Amy! Wanna place a bet to see who will win?

Y/n: What do you mean?

Happy: You didn't know? Natsu challenged Erza to a fight and right now they are fighting right now.

Amy: Oh yeah I remember Natsu saying something like that to Erza.

Y/n: Yeah same here. Guess saving the day made us to forget about that.

Amy: (giggle) Yeah.

Then the battle started as Natsu and Erza fight while the crowd cheered as Y/n and Amy finds the other Magirangers, Lucy and Gray as they stood with them.

Arthur: (smirk) Erza is gonna win, no doubt about that!

Noah: (smirk) True but I bet Natsu is gonna win.

Arthur: Seriously dude? It's obviously Erza is higher rank than Natsu is plus, she's a S-Class. She'll beat Natsu down for sure.

Y/n: (thought) S-Class? Wonder what that is? Must be a special rank to highly skilled wizards. Still, it sounds cool.

???: That's enough!

Suddenly the fighting was interrupted by what seemed like a frog like creature wearing the high council uniform as she step into the crowd and said.

Council member staff: May I have your  attention please, I have been sent here by the magic council for a important business.

Everyone was a bit shocked and wonder why they are here all of a sudden.

Mahou Sentai Magiranger X Fairy Tail: Guardians of Earthland's magicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz