Chapter 1: I want to be a wizard!

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Long ago, in the distant past, there was once a world filled with darkness. Filled with dangerous monsters and never ending nightmare that mankind have to survive all these years. The Hades Empire ruled over Earthland using the powers of dark magic and spells ad they rule Earthland and spread their chaos apon humanity and those that are good. No one was not strong enough to face the Hades Empire and many those have already lost hope.

But then five powerful and mystical wizards who each have  bound by a legendary mystical wizard. The nature wizard, bounded with the mystical creature of a Minotaurs. The water wizard, bounded with the mystical creature of a Mermaid. The wind wizard, bounded of the mystical creature of a fairy. The lighting wizard, bounded with a mystical creature of a Garuda. And finally their leader the fire wizard, bounded with the mystical creature of a Phoenix.

All five wizards faced the Hades Empire and disbite their numbers against them, they have managed to defeat the Hades Empire and banished them underground where they will never return again. Earthland was now filled with the light of magic and many guilds were formed as the five wizard heroes watched as Earthland grows and evolve. But in time, the five wizards slowly and disappeared from the world including their history as well. But when one story ends another begins as we follow a new team of wizards that will protect the world of Earthland and it's good magic from threats from the darkness. For now we follow a young boy that will discover his destiny, his name is Y/n L/n also known as....MagiRed.


(Hargeon Town)

At nice town of Hargeon we see a train station making it's stop at the train station as we see the train carts open and passengers were making their way out of the train. We then see four people step out of the train and looking around as one person with yellow hair with a pretty nice face let out a sigh and said.

Arthur: (smirk) Finally we're at Hargeon at last. Look out ladies, your pretty man has arrived.

Then he hears a laugh behind him and turn to see another male person with Green hair step out with strong lioe body as he step next to Arthur and tells him.

Noah: (smirk) Yeah I don't think other ladies won't be interested with a pretty boy like you. What they really want is a strong man like me.

Arthur: (anger) You yeah! I'll show you that pretty is better then straight!

Noah: (smirk) Like to see you try.

The two share a rival glare until two girls one with blue hair while the other pink step in between them and tell them.

Amy: That's enough both of you. We're here on a mission not to see who is better!

Sophie: Yeah so just behave okay.

Arthur and Noah: Fine.

Amy: Say where's Happy and Natsu?

Sophie: Oh there they are.

They turn to see Natsu laying on the floor while a blue cat with a green bag on his back try to get him up.

Happy: Natsu! We're at Hargeon! Wake up!

Arthur: (sigh) Not this again.

They managed to grab Natsu out of the train before it can depart and sat him down on the bench as Natsu slowly move his head up and tells them.

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