Chapter 14: Galuna Island (Arc 4)

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We see Meemy speaking to Branken through the lacrima as Meemy is seen sitting on his throne as Branken give his report to his master.

Branken: (lacrima) The Magirangers are not split apart as we speak. Magicred is off somewhere in the forest while the rest are heading back to the village.

Meemy: Do they know about our plan?

Branken: (lacima) It's a possibility they must have known our plan.

Meemy: Unbelievable! We must not let them ruin our plan of releasing Deliora! We must unleash it in hopes to take over the surface once again!

Branken: (lacima) I will do whatever I can to make sure the Magirangers will not get near Deliora.

Meemy: Good and as for Lyon and his followers. As soon Deliora is released, kill them all. We do not need followers who wishes to free Deliora so they can destroy it.

Branken: (lacima) Of course.

Meemy: Oh and one more thing. Wolzard is on the island with you.

Branken: (lacima) What?! Why?!

Meemy: He said he wishes to have his rematch with MagiRed. As far as I can tell they might be battling right now.

Branken: (lacima) Well I hope he will help us soon once he is done.

Meemy: He's not a type to go into battle unless there is a worthy warrior he wishes to fight. Still continue with the plan and do not fail me!

Branken: (lacima) As you wish Priest Meemy. (Ends transmission)



Lucy, Happy, Noah, Arthur, Sophie, Amy and Grace arrived back to the village where Grace gathered everyone in the village and tells them all about an upcoming attack which cost panic to the village.

Moka: Have you destroyed the moon still!?

Arthur: Didn't you not hear that your village is going to be destroyed!

Moka: Maybe if you all destroy the moon, perhaps that will destroyed those monsters for sure!

Arthur: That's not gonna be simple!

Happy: Have we got a plan to defend the village?

Grace: Well the only way Hades Empire army would enter the village is through the gate. However I'm afraid those doors will not hold long.

Lucy: (smirk) Leave this one to me. Time for Lucy to step up and save the day!

Happy: I don't like the sound of that.

Then Lucy pulls out Virgos key and summon her. She then dig a massive hole at the entrance of the gate and then cover it up with leafs which made everyone confused as they look at the covered up hole.

Amy: Um Lucy? What is this?

Lucy: (smile) Well this gate is the only way Hades forces will enter right? So this put fall trap will trap them along with Lyon's follows into that hole and then we win. It's a great plan!

Noah: I hate to be a burst your bubbles but I don't think no one ain't gonna fall for that.

Arthur: I mean it's kinda obvious that it is a trap.

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