Chapter 13: Galuna Island (Arc 3)

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We see a pirate ship sailing through the ocean and within the pirate ship we see the pirate crew inside and maintaining the ship while the captain is seen taking control of the ships direction while looking s bit nervous as he called out to his crew.

Male captain: Is everything in tip top shape?!

Pirate crew 1: No holes around the ship captain.

Pirate crew 2: Ships cannons ready loaded captain!

Pirate crew 3: Sails doing fine captain!

Male Captain: Th-Thanks good. I hope your finding comfortable here ma'am.

???: I will be as soon you will take me to that island as soon as possible.

Male captain: (nervous) O-Of could but....can I ask what for? The island we're going to is cursed and-

Suddenly a feet stomped onto the wooden floor and making the captain and his crew nervous in fear as the women behind him was no other then Erza who looks very upset and has a serious face as she explain.

Erza: I'm going there to punish some guild members for breaking guild rules. They will be dealt with by the time I arrive there.

Male captain: (scared) O-Of could ma'am! Right away! Full speed ahead men!

Pirate crew: (scared) YES CAPTAIN!!!



Grace stood there in shock while Gray looks angry as they stare at Lyon qs he revealed his face to them along with the Magirangers, Natsu, Lucy and Happy while Branken and Vancuria stood near Lyon while staring at them.

Grace: (thought) Lyon......why siding with them. I don't understand.

Arthur: Wait? You know this guy Gray?

Lyon: We were Ur'z student a long time ago. She taught us ice magic and how to master it.

Gray: (angry) And here you are, not only disrespecting Ur's sacrifice but working with the Hades Empire. How could you!

Lyon: Master Ur failed to destroy Deliora and so I will kill it with some help with these monsters. They give me the knowledge of defeating Deliora.

Noah: Or just using you and your cult to awaken Deliora so they can use him to destroy the world!

Amy: How could you do this!

Sophie: Ur died and your just gonna ignore her sacrifice?!

Lyon: You do not understand our past. But it will not matter as you all will die here.

Branken then summon Zoblis as they appeared in front of them.

Lyon: Yuka, Toby ans Sherry. Head to the nearby village and destroy it. They will pay bringing our guest here to this island.

Yuka: Of course Lyon.

The trio left whioe the Zoblis rushes towards them as the Magirangers were ready for battle.

Y/n: Lucy, Happy head to the village and warn them!

Lucy: Right!

Happy: Aye!

Grace: I will assist you two.

The trio left while Gray and Natsu stood with the Magirangers.

Y/n: Ready guys?

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