Chapter 8

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Anaya's POV
It was Monday and Chrissy was at my house again for Monday night raw. She plans to come watch it with me every Monday and Fridays and honestly I'm looking forward to it. It was about to be eight and made some popcorn and order a pizza and brought two cokes so we can eat and watch together.

"Damn Anaya, you came prepared." Chrissy said as she already took a few bites of the popcorn that I had laid out.

"I'm starting to really enjoy our wrestling nights. Thanks to you I love wrestling again." I admitted to her.

"Well I'm glad." She said to. "Oh Jey Uso is on!" She said standing up as she was already hype to see him.

I saw Jey on the TV with his usually long blue pants with his crop top that spells out YEET! The crowed was hype as the moved along with Jey and Chrissy did the same. I took out my phone recording her and laughing and decided to post it on Snapchat.

"We should go to their live event one day Anaya." Chrissy suggested and I smiled and nodded.

"Why not? Should be fun to go there in person one day." I agreed not hating the idea to see a live WWE show.

"Now that I think about it. The Royal Rumble is in Saint Petersburg. We should go together." Chrissy mentions.

"Sure, I would love to go." I said accepting.

Chrissy immediately took her phone and started looking for tickets. Royal Rumble seems like a lot of fun and I would be interested in going. I can't wait to tell Jey that I will be going there live to see him.

We finished watching the rest of Raw as Chrissy needed to get back home since it was getting late. We hugged and I began to clean after the mess in the living room.

As I was cleaning, my mind drifted off about Jey admitting that he has feelings for me and he loved me ever since we were kids. Him loving me since we were kids is such a long time. The night last week on Romab's birthday clouds my mind as I couldn't stop thinking about our passionate night.

I know I shouldn't think about but it's Jey and I slept with my best friend. How can I get over that?


Jey Uso's POV
I hoped on the plane and left work after the show was over. I had one two days off because I have a three shows to day this week. I decided to chill at him and bring along a close friend with me, Cody Rhodes.

I decided to travel with him because we have the same schedule and it's been awhile since we hangout since he lives in Alanta and I live in Pensacola. We really bonded and became close at the press conference when we won the undisputed tag team championship together against Judgement Day and he's become one of my boys. Actually, he's like my brother and I respect him a lot.

"You wanna order some pizza Uce? "I asked Cody as he was chilling on my couch, watching some football on my TV.

"Yeah I'm down. I'll pay for it." Cody suggested as he he pulled out his wallet out of his pocket.

"Nah Uce, I got it." I said so he doesn't have to pay.

"Can I at least pay half? I would feel bad if I don't contribute." He says as he still tries to be generous.

What amazes me is this man is not married yet and he is this generous to everybody he is with. I don't see any bad flaw in Cody and that's the troubling part. I can't even hate this guy because he is so good to everyone.

"You don't got to worry about paying Uce. I'm serious. You just got to focus on finishing your story." I joked and Cody shake his head with a smirk and went back to watching the TV.

"Say Hey, I been wanting to ask you about something." Cody stood up from the couch, walking towards me.

"What's up?"

"I met this girl at your cousins party last week. She was really gorgeous and she said she knew Roman since there were kids and I know you told me you were close to Roman when you guys were kids. Do you know who I'm talking about?" Cody asked me as I saw the stress veins from his head forming a line.

Yeah I know exactly who he's talking about and he's talking about my best friend Anaya and I remember distinctly at the party he introduced himself to her. When I saw them two meet and Cody kissing her hand, I was so jealous. I was jealous that he was trying to make a move on her that I just had to drag her away.

I straightened up my face and place my phone down on the kitchen counter.

"Yeah, I know who you are talking about. That's my girl best friend Naya. She and my brother and Roman grew up together and we went to the same school together since Elementary." I admitted to him.

"Is she single?" Cody smirked wanting to know.

I raised up my head and pushed out my lips.

"I don't know and I don't care now what kind of pizza you want? Pepperoni or Cheese?" I said changing the topic now.

"Cheese but come on Jey. Help a brother out Uce." Cody begged as he placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I said I don't know." I frowned at him, while removing his hand from my shoulder.

It seems he's not taking the hint that I don't want to help him get with Anaya.

"Damn now I wish I asked for her number at the party." I here Cody cursing to himself, disappointed that he couldn't get any contact information with Naya.

To me I'm actually happy about it. I know Anaya told me she wants to stay friends and she is not looking to date anyone but I can't have anyone take a shot at her.  I know she's my best friend but I don't want anybody getting inside her pants.

Because that Pussy is mine and one day I will make her my girl forever.

I just want to be patient and wait until she is ready.

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