Chapter 26

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Anaya's POV
Time went by and I was still tied up in bed. I didn't eat or sleep because I don't know what Trevor is planning for me. I would never trust that man to give me food because he could try to drug me. I don't dare sleep because I don't know what Trevor is gonna do to me while I'm sleeping.

Trevor promises if Jey walks into that door, he's gonna kill him and I'm afraid of that to happen.

He's got a gun so who's gonna stop him?

I wish there was a way to call and warn Jey not to come home because Trevor is here and he is patiently waiting for him. He's sitting on the ground with the gun in his hand as he awaits for Jey to come home.

Suddenly the door bell rang and Trevor instantly stood up. He smirked and reloaded the gun. I tense up as tears came down my eyes.

"Trevor please, don't do this. I beg of you. Just please don't." I begged as I wiggled and struggle as I try to do whatever I can to break free but it feels like I'm hurting myself in the process.

It feels like the rope is scraping my skin and I know it's gonna leave marks and bruises all over on how tight Trevor tide me up. I saw Trevor walking over to me as he picked me up bridal style in his arms. He walked me downstairs to sit right on the living room couch.

Trevor walked to the door and peep through the hole.

"Shit, the police here. What the fuck!" He whispered yell.

After I heard the police came out of his mouth I felt a sense of relief. Trevor looked at me in anger and grabbed me by the face.

"Aye listen to me. You gonna answer that door and do whatever you can to make that police officer leave. You understand me? And you better not snitch or else." He threatened me.

Trevor began to untie me and carefully walked with me towards the door with the gun in his hand. The bell rang again and I sighed changed my demeanor to look less suspicious as possible before opening it.

"Hello Officer, is everything okay?" I asked, sounding clueless as ever.

"Goodnight ma'am, you're Ms, Wilson right?" The officer asked me.

"Yes, I am." I answered.

"I was giving a call to check this area location to check to see if you were okay." The officer admitted.

My eyes wandered as I know Trevor is listening to everything that the cop is saying. Who call the police because I didn't.

" you know who gave you that call officer?" I asked him.

"A man name Jonathan Fatu called saying that someone break into this house. I came here to check if that was true." He admitted to me.

I wish I could show how happy I am that Jimmy called the cops but it doesn't matter since Trevor is watching me and has that gun in his hand.

"Break in? I've been here since all day and no one has been here. Jonathan is my fiancé's brother and he can be protective of me. I promise you officer that I am safe." I said to him.

The officer gave me a stern look and squinted his eyes, almost like he was trying to read me but I did my best to not look suspicious.

"Are you sure?" He asked me one more time.

"Yes, I am totally safe officer." I said one last time.

"Well if you say you are safe. I have nothing to worry about. Have a goodnight Ma'am." The officer says as he leaves.

"You too! Goodnight sir." I waved as I close the door.

I sighed and looked at Trevor with an angry look. He finally but the gun and back in his hoodie.

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