Chapter 27

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Anaya's POV
Less than 24 hours ago, I was tortured and trapped in my house by my psycho ex boyfriend. He came all the way to LA just to find me and ruin my life. The life I tried to escape and start fresh here in Pensacola. Right now, I'm at a local hospital since I received several bruises and sprains.

My whole face is swollen from the amount of hard slaps to the face. I could barely even eat. Not to mention I have a sprained wrist and my entire arm was bruised up.

But most importantly, I needed to know the condition of my baby. I want to know that nothing happened to my baby during that horrific incident.

I was already wrapped in bandages around my wrist for my sprain and the doctor gave me some an ice pack for the swelling in my face. She said all of my bruises will heal up eventually.

"Damn what's taking so long." Jey complained as he paces back in forth in the hospital room.

He's been on edge all morning and wants to know if everything is alright.

"Baby, just relax." I tried to tell him to calm him nerves.

"I haven't been able to relax since what happened to you. I mean look at you. You all bruised up and have a sprain wrist because I failed to protect you. How can I be your husband if I can't even do that?" Jey says as he starts to show anger in his tone.

I need him to understand that none of this wasn't his fault. Nobody knew Trevor was gonna break in my house and abuse me. We did everything we could by filing a restraining order and setting up cameras. In the end, Jey's smart thinking saved me because he checked the cameras and saw Trevor break in.

"You did protect me. Look at me now. I'm safe because of you. If you didn't come and save me in time, I would have been a goner. Baby, you will be a good husband to me but you got to realize there are just some things you can't control. So please stop being hard on yourself." I tell him.

I put my hand on his cheek, forcing Jey to look at me. He does and I smile at him. He sighs heavily and nods.

"Alright, I'mma calm down. I'm just frustrated that shit happened." He admits to me.

"It's okay to be mad now give me a kiss." I tell him and he leans down towards my lips and give me a gently peck.

"Whoa, so sorry haha." The doctor finally came and catches us in our moment.

"Is everything alright doc?" Jey was the first to ask.

"Well I got your results for your pregnancy and if you see here your babies are still floating around just fine." She says showing us the paper work and an ultrasound picture on top of that.

"Wait I'm sorry. Did you say babies?" I asked her as I'm not sure I heard that quite right.

"Yes, I said babies. You have two fetuses inside you ma'am." She tells me.

"Wait hold up. You saying we having twins? For real doc?" Jey asked as he was in disbelief.

"You guys didn't know?" She asked us and me and Jey both shake our head no at the same time. "Is this your first check up since you were announced pregnant?" The doctor asked us and we both nodded yes. "Ahh that explains it. Yes Ms.Wilson, you are having twins but don't after everything and all your injuries, they are still safe and healthy. Just try to be careful in the future during your pregnancy. Try to keep yourself relax as well. Stress is not good for pregnancy." The doctor let us know and we nodded.

"So we good here. Nothing we need to worry about?" Jey asked the doctor.

"Yep, you are all set Sir but I do advise to have a monthly check up with you and your girlfriend." She tells me.

"Fiancée, we are actually engaged." Jey corrects her.

"Oh, congratulations to you both! My apologies for assuming. I was gonna say your wife but I didn't see a ring so I only said girlfriend." The doctor admitted but I understood.

"But about the monthly appointments, I'll set them up at the front." I said getting back on track on the topic.

"Okay perfect. Then you are both are free to go. Congratulations once again on your engagement and having twins. I'm sure you both will have a beautiful family." She tells us and we smiled at her.

"Thank you doc." Jey said as he helped me off the hospital bed and we walked out.

I made sure I set up an appointment before we leave for next month.

I'm just so damn happy that I am okay and everything is just fine but this news about me having twins is astounding. I only thought of just having one coming out of me but not two.

" you feel about the results today? About us having twins instead of one?" I asked Jey as we drive back to the house.

"I feel fucking fantastic! This news is the best thing ever." He admitted.

"I know right! I never imagined that we are having twins."

"I guess it now runs in the family. Whatchu hoping the gender is?" I asked him.

"Boys hopefully." Jey answered.

"Of course. Well I hope they are girls." I said.

"Or maybe both." Jey says as he gets all excited even more.

That idea sounds great to have both one girl and one boy. That way we both get what we want. Now I can't wait for the fucking gender reveals now.

"But before we get home, we gotta stop somewhere first." Jey mentions and I look at him confused.

"Where we going?" I asked him.

"To the jewelry store to get you a new girl. I didn't like that fact that people think you just my girlfriend. You're more than that to me. So we handling this situation ASAP." Jey said and I roll my eyes at him.

Of course he wants to go ahead and buy a whole new ring.

"This time it will be beneficial because you get to pick out the ring you want." He mentions lastly and I smile at him.

"Oh but after we get the ring, I think we should get married soon. I'm thinking next month before I start showing too much." I suggested.

"We could but it's a lot of work and planning to do Princess." Jey says.

"I know but that's why I'mma have Chrissy and Trinity help me. We already have a group chat about it and we're already planning everything." I admitted to him.

"Damn y'all work fast but ight. Y'all do what y'all want to do. I'll support whatever decision you make. All I care about is seeing you walking across the isle and making our vows to say our I do's." Jey admitted and I'm glad he is letting me do whatever for our wedding.

He grabs my hand and kisses the back of it while he drives.

A/N: Thank to Nikole1327  for the ideas of them having twins!

Also I want to shout out to Capdvsk brie_faut77 heerah34  Lashton_Brolby

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