Chapter 28

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Jey Uso's POV
The wedding was set and it was approaching next week. Anaya's been going crazy on shopping for the perfect dress that she refuses to let me see and because of the wedding I had to call out of work for the next two weeks.

I don't want Anaya stressing herself as she was told by the doctor that she can't be stressing because she is pregnant. Jimmy and I are looking for suites together since he knows a good place.

"What color Anaya told you to get?" Jimmy asked me.

"She said something white like her dress I guess." I answered him.

"Why you don't look excited for this? It's gonna be your wedding day Uce."

"I am excited but lowkey I'm just nervous if I'm being honest. I don't want to disappoint Naya and I want her to have the best wedding ever." I admitted to him.

"You'll be just fine. After next week, you will have Anaya officially and she's gonna be all yours." Jimmy reminds me and I smile at that thought. "I mean it's not like she was meant to be with someone else." He laughed.

"She had a crush on you." I reminded him.

"Yeah....but I didn't like her."

"Then why'd you kiss her at prom if you didn't feel the same way?" I asked him curiously.

"I guess it was because everybody wanted us too. The whole time the situation was just weird. It felt like I was kissing my little sister and it rubbed me the wrong way." He admitted to me. "

"Well she about to be your sister for real this time." I place my hand on his shoulder and he smiled about that.

"Good because it's just been the boys. Solo, Jeremiah before he moved, big uce, you and me. Now we have Anaya." He says and I nodded.

Jimmy scanned the racks and picked up a white suit as he smile brightly at it.

"Aye Ma'am, we wanna try this one." He announced as he dragged me to the dressing room.

I took the suit from him and went inside the change room and tried on the suit. I came out and had Jimmy make the decision.

"Damn if I wasn't your brother, I'd marry you too." Jimmy said as he approved of the suit.

"Ayo, that's wild Uce." I laughed and I do agree that I like the suit on me. It fits just right and looks good on me. I think Anaya is gonna love it.

"Ma'ma! We wanna take this one." Jimmy says to the sales lady and she smiles and nods her head.

"How much this suit cost?" I asked since I didn't get a chance to look at the price.

"Don't worry about it Uce. I got you. Consider this suit a wedding gift from me." He said and I smile at him.

"Thanks. I really appreciate you." I admitted to him.

"Just doing what big brothers do." He says to me.


I made it home after shopping for my suit with Jimmy and Anaya hasn't come home yet. It was around 5:30pm and I'm making dinner for the both of us before she gets back. I normally cook dinner whenever I get the chance since Anaya always does that for me.

I help clean the house too.

Speaking of house, I barely even stay at my house, which is right next door. I shower at Anayas, I sleep here, eat here, and relax here. I practically live here and the only time I got over to my house is to get my clothes to change.

Me and Anaya gotta talk about residency when she gets home.

Speaking of her, I see her walking in with loads of bags in her hand. I quickly stop what I'm doing and help her with the bags like the gentleman I am.

"Hey baby!" She greeted me as she smiles.

I smile back at her and give her a quick peck on the lips.

"Damn you got a lot of stuff girl." I stated as I look at the bags she got.

" and Trinity got a little carry away with the shopping." She admitted and I raise one of my brows at her.

"You call this little?" I questioned her.

"Don't act like that. I got carried away and bought a few more things than what I intended." She admitted but I still shake my head at her.

"At least tell me you didn't spend your own money with all this. I gave you card for a reason so you didn't have to waste any of your money." I reminded her.

"I did use it but I felt bad using it baby." She said as I saw the upset look in her face.

"Don't feel bad. I gave you my card to spoil yourself with stuff like this. You're my princess and you deserve everything and more." I tell her straight up.

"Baby, you so sweet to me. I love you." Anaya tells me as she come up and hugs my side with a big smile on her face.

I love how she clings onto. She looks like a baby when she does that.

"I love you too." I admitted and I left to put the bags in the living room for now.

"Oooh Chef Fatu making something good!" I see her dancing her way into the kitchen as she tries to observe the food that I am preparing.

"Aye just watch out tho. I don't want you getting burnt by the stove." I prompted her to make sure she is safe.

She listens as she steps back a few inches from the stove. I go over to the stove and stir the pot. Anaya wraps her arms around my waist as she hugs me while I'm cooking. Anaya could barely wrap her arms around my thick body.

"How was shopping with Jimmy? Did you find a suit?" She asked me.

"Yeah, I think you might like it actually." I admitted to her.

"Can't wait to see it. I can't wait to walk down that isle and say how much I wanna spend my whole life with you." She admitted which makes me smile.

"I'm ready to marry you now. Saturday isn't coming fast enough." I admitted as I've been growing a bit impatient about the wedding.

I really want to marry her right now.

"I'm so excited. My dad and my mom are coming in two days. I haven't seen them in like forever since I left to live in LA." She mentions.

"I can't to see pops and mama too. I hope they doing well tho. I'm glad they coming to the wedding." I admitted.

"Everything is set and ready." Anaya confirms.

I grabbed a plate and share out her food first and set in on the table as well as mine. Anaya sits and waits for me to sit with her since she wants us to eat together at the same time. We kiss each other one finally time before we eat our dinner together.

A/N: Wedding day in the next chapter.

Shoutout: Bellanemeth23 Nikole1327 Capdvsk

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