Chapter 29

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Anaya's POV
This was it!
The wedding was about to start in 20 minutes and I have been calm and chill but now I am freaking nervous and my heart can't stop beating. All my closest family members are here, some friends from highschool even and most importantly my parents.

Trinity is here fixing up and touching up my makeup and my maid of honor Chrissy is here trying to give me pep talks to stay calm.

"How many people are out there?" I asked Chrissy.

"Don't worry about all that. You need to stay calm." She tries to tell me.

"I'm trying to. I really am trying to stay calm but I just want everything to be perfect." I admitted.

"Everything is perfect Anaya. The wedding and everything about it looks beautifully outside." Trinity admits to me and I am happy she said that.

It gives me a peace of mind actually.

The theme of this wedding is beach and since Pensacola is surrounded mostly by water and the beach is typically here, I didn't to do a beach wedding. Not to mention Jey is Samoan so I wanted to keep things culturally appropriate.

I respect Jey's culture very much and I wanted to implement it at our wedding.

"Alright, is everybody......oh my goodness my baby!" I saw my mother coming in with my dad and cousin Lia beside him.

"Mom, I thought you would be out there." I hugged her as she approached me.

"I was but I needed to see you before the wedding starts. It's actually a gift." She said pulling out a small box from her purse.

"Mom, you didn't have to give me a gift. You being here in enough." I said hugging her once more.

"I just had to and I think you're gonna love it. I didn't have to spend a dime on it." She told me and I smile. "Now, I'll see you out there." My mom said finally, leaving the room along with everybody.

I took the small box and open it to see a note that was folded. The paper was old and when I opened it to see the writing I began to read it.

Dear Mrs. Wilson.
Hi, It's me Joshua but you already know who I am. I guess I will just get straight to the point of all this. I wanna take the time to appreciate and thank you for bringing Anaya into this world. She's literally everything I hoped and dreamed off and I want to tell you thank you for entrusting me to take care of her since we were little kids. It's not secret that I'm in love with her and I think you know that. Since the day I met her across the street, I was interested and wanted to be closer to her.

Even though it seems strange that I am writing this letter to and Anaya has left Pensacola to live in L.A, I just wanted you to know that I loved and enjoy every moment with her. Even if we are no longer friends at the moment...... She will always be my best friend, the love of my life, and my everything. She has found her path and I'm going to follow mine. I'm going to follow in my family footsteps and became a wrestler. In the hope of making it in the WWE.

I can't get in contact with Anaya anymore but I know she would probably be shocked about the career path that me and my brother Jonathan are taking together but I think she would support us anyway. So if you need anything Mrs.Wilson, don't hesitate to call me because you're like a second mother to me.

Sincerely Joshua.

I tear nearly fall down my eyes after reading Jey's note. I stop myself because I didn't want to ruin my makeup that Trinity work so hard to do on me. I look to see what else was inside the box to see a necklace that I never thought I would see again.

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