Chapter 25

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Anaya's POV
It feels like my head went through a ton of bricks falling on top of it. I felt serval pains in my left arm and my face feels like it's swollen and I know it's probably puffy. It seems like I regain consciousness as I realize that my entire body is wrapped in rope.

I can't walk or move my arms. I'm laying on my bed as I remember the events of what just happened to me. I panicked as I look around for Trevor but I don't see him in my bedroom.

Where the fuck is he?

I need some help and I'm scared as fuck as I try to look around to see if my phone is anywhere to be spotted. I heard foot steps coming up the stairs and saw it was Trevor with a bowl in his hand.

"Aye baby, how much you spent on this house? It's a nice spot no cap." Trevor asked me as he eat out of my bowl of cereal.

I look at him disgusted as he have me all tide up and calling me baby and shit like I'm his girl. This nigga is fucking crazy and needs help for behaving this way.

"Untie me and leave my house!" I shouted at him as I was done playing games with this psychotic man.

Trevor shot me an angry glare as he came up to me and slap me hard across the face. Tears started to swell in my eyes from the pain.

"Don't you ever talk to-" Trevor paused on what he was about to say as he heard a phone ringing. He searched all over the room quickly until he found my phone that was under the bed. "Your boy calling." Trevor smirked.

Trevor came up to me as he grabbed my face hard, forcing me to look at him.

"You better tell him you're alright. You tell him everything you need to hear so he doesn't suspect anything and if you don't......I'mma make sure you don't see him ever again." Trevor warned me and I nodded as I complied and he answered the phone.

Trevor put my phone on speaker as while he held the phone to my mouth. He pulled out a pocket knife from and aimed it towards my throat.

"Hey baby, is everything alright at home?" Jey asked me.

I sighed before I spoke and muster up a pretend smile.

"Yeah, everything is great. I miss you." I said and because I said that, Trevor put some pressure on the knife as I felt its tiny blade just at the skin of my neck.

"I miss you too but after tonight from work, I'm coming home to you." Jey promised and hearing his voice made me even sadder.

I wish I could scream and tell him Trevor here and he has me abducted.

"Okay, come home soon." I tried my hardest to say.

"I will and I love you Princess." He said afterwards.

I took a deep breath, feeling my tears streaming down my face, holding back my shivered lips.

"I love you too.....Joshua." I said lastly and Trevor hang up the phone.

The minute I heard the phone ended, I bursted into to tears. I felt so helpless and I felt so alone that no one could save me from this nightmare. Trevor removed the knife him my throat as he I watch him scroll through my phone looking at photos of me and Jey and my messages.

"Where's our pictures?" He asked me but ignored him. Trevor grabbed onto my shirt, pulling me against him. "Answer me bitch!" He yelled in my eyes.

"I deleted them because I hate you." I answered him.

"You hate me huh but you love him? You think what you got with him is love? Would you die for him Huh?" Trevor pulled out his knife again as he aimed it at my throat again.

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