Chapter 3

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Anaya's POV
It's been such a short week as it was Monday night and I spent my entire week fixing up my new home and decorating it. I went grocery shopping this morning and stock my entire fridge and pantry for the next three months.

Right now, I decided to invite my friend over from college to spend time with me and to show off my new house. She was shocked to see me back in Pensacola after being gone for five years.

"Anaya What time is it?" My friend Christina asked me.

"It's about 8pm. Why?" I asked her.

"Shit girl! Monday night raw is about to start right now!" She said ran out of the kitchen to flop herself on my couch as she change the channel. "Come on Anaya, it's about to start." She commands me and I sigh and roll my eyes.

"I didn't know you watch WWE." I said to Chrissy.

"Of course I do. I love it! Especially these two hot twins Jimmy and Jey." Chrissy mentions and my eyes immediately were glued on the screen.

Off the bat, I saw Jey coming out all hyped up in his entrance. Everyone was moving along with him and praising him.

"Where's Jimmy?" I asked her.

"On Smackdown. They both split and no longer on the same brand together." She admitted which I couldn't believe.

Those two boys were always with each other but I haven't watched WWE in forever so I don't know what exactly happen.

"Gosh, isn't he so fine? Like damn he's so cute." Chrissy says and I laugh.

"What's so funny?" She asked me curiously. I stopped momentarily.

"It's crazy you are about him." I tell her.

"But it's the truth. Jey is really good looking. I've been following him and his brother since their debut in the WWE." She admitted and I can really tell Chrissy is a big fan of Jey and his brother.

I spend my whole childhood life with them both so I know how good looking they are but to me, I always was fond by their personalities since Jimmy and Jey already just look the same.

As I somehow decided to watch what was going on TV, Jey is a really good wrestler on his own and I'm so invested and there were times what I got a little excited. It was fun to watch and it made me feel happy to know he won his match.

"Girl, I'm so glad Jey won. We should watch Friday night smackdown to see Jimmy and Roman." Chrissy recommended.

"Yeah sure, I'm down. It was pretty fun to watch." I admitted to her.

"Anyways Girl I have to get back to my crib. My bae is waiting for me to get home." She admitted to me as I watch her gather her purse.

"Okay, just text me when you get home. Drive safe." I tell her and I stood up and hug her as we gave each other cheek kisses as we say goodbye to each other.

After Christina left, I turn off the TV, took a shower and prepare myself for bed.

My eyes closed as I drifted off to sleep in a matter of minutes.

<23 years ago>
Swaying my body to the music as I was high on fun as the crowd of students were all singing and vibing to the dj's work as he played the best songs this year. It was prom and my last prom of the year. I was happy in this moment.

"Alright everyone it time to announce the winner or Prom King and Queen!" Principal Adams shouted in the microphone.

All the students scream and clapped their hands. My friend Stacy wrapped her arm around my neck as she was so excited. She believes that I should be prom queen and had everyone try to vote for me. I was excited too as I always wanted to be prom queen as well.

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