Chapter 4

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Jey Uso's POV
Returning home after a long flight from Canada had me so damn tired after Monday night raw. I love my job and I enjoy going out there performing and seeing the world. I have seen some of the best city's, states, and countries all over the world.

"Damn Jey, where you got these cookies? These are delicious." I hear my brother Jimmy saying as he joined on me on the couch.

"Please tell me you didn't eat them all." I warned him.

"I want to but I figured you want some too." Jimmy said and I sighed of relief, getting up from the couch and picking up the container of cookies that Anaya made me.

"Anaya baked them for me." I admitted.

"Anaya? Like our Anaya?" Jimmy asked me and I nod. "Why didn't you tell me she was back in Pensacola Uce?" He tapped my shoulder with his back hand.

She's been back for over a week and I don't even know why I didn't tell Jimmy she was home. I guess I was adjusting to the fact too.

"It slip my mind Uce." I lie and just shove a cookie in my mouth.

"Man I haven't seen Anaya since graduation. She left me didn't even spend one last summer before she left for college. After that, I heard she moved to LA with her boyfriend ever since." He remembers and I remember that too.

But I know why she left so abruptly after graduation. She just didn't want to face me since I spat in her face at prom and left her in the cold outside. Since that day, our friendship was already over and we never spoke about it but she tried to stick around to keep the peace to keep people from thinking we had a fall out and we weren't friends anymore.

I was mad that day but mad at myself mostly that I yell at her like that. I showed her a side of me, the hot headed side that I wish she never saw. I was sad, heartbroken, and upset that everything didn't go my way at prom.

I was jealous that Jimmy became prom king and he was able to dance with Anaya and kiss her in front of everybody.

"We should invite her to Roman's birthday party. I'm sure should come and wanna catch up with the family." Jimmy suggest and I turn and looked at him.

"Nah Uce. I don't think she got time. Besides its in the middle of a weekday. People got work and I'm sure she does."

"I'm not saying she should stay the whole time but you catch up after all these years." Jimmy still keeps pushing but I'm still not too sure about it.

I mean I barley even talk to her since she moved. She obviously still feels awkward around me.

"I don't know."

"Please, you got to invite her Jey. It would be good to see her and to have our best friend back in our lives like when we were kids." He says and I can see the begging look in Jimmy's eyes.

I sighed in defeat as I give in.

"Alright, I'll hit her up and see what she says." I promised and I saw Jimmy smile at me.

We shoved each other playfully as he both put each other in a headlock as we laugh hysterically together. After we were done play wrestling, we both finish off the cookies Anaya made and they are still delicious.


I made myself look presentable on my way next door to Anaya's house. I rang on the door bell, not knowing if she is home or not but I rang anyway. I waited for about a minute or two and the door opened. I saw Anaya in her pajama shorts and a lace black top with her hair all messy and curly.

Her morning face looked so beautiful and I almost forgot why I was here.

When she saw me, she quickly cover her mouth in shock.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you. I haven't brush my teeth yet." She admitted and I chuckled at her.

"It's fine. I don't care." I told her.

"So......what's up?" She asked me.

"So you remember my cousin Joe?" I asked her and she nodded her head remembering. "Well, his birthday is tonight at his place and I wanted to know if you can come? You don't have to stay long but just to wish him happy birthday. I know you probably have work."

Anaya gave me a unreadable face and it was hard to tell with her mouth covered too.

"I'll stop by. It's been awhile since I saw your family." She admitted and I smile as I was happy.

"Also, can I have your number? Just so I can send you the address." I pulled out my phone.

Anaya took it and put her number in it. She passed my phone back to me and I just save it in my contacts and texted her the address to Roman house after I place my phone in my pocket.

"I send you the address." I admitted and she nodded. "See you tonight." I said lastly and she waved at me.

I turned around and walked away from her house and back to mine. I sighed heavily as I laid myself on the couch. That felt like the longest five minutes of my life. Anaya just looked so damn gorgeous without even trying.

And after all these years, she still makes my heart beat.

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