Chapter 5

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Anaya's POV
I'm on the phone with my college friend Chrissy about tonight's party at Roman's house. I obviously don't tell her that it's actually Roman Reigns but I use his real name Joe instead.

"Wait so why are you nervous about going to this party? They are practically your family friends when you were kids." She asked me.

"It's just......I'm not comfortable with it. Especially what happened 23 years ago with his cousins." I admitted to her.

"Wait hold up. I smell Tea. What happened 23 years ago?" Chrissy asked.

"So my friend Joshua has a brother right and at prom, I kiss his brother in front of the whole school right in front of him after I promise him I would never do anything with his brother. After that, we fell off and I left without saying goodbye." I explained.

"Damn, that's really fucked up. I totally understand why you don't want to go to this party. The chances of you seeing that guy you kissed will definitely bring back memories."

"And I don't want it. I already feel about it and regretted it and to be honest, I've been having dreams about it almost every night. Seeing Joshua's face when I hurt him brings me to tears." I said looking down at my hands.

"I know you feel regretful but it was 23 years ago. I assure you he's over it. Otherwise he wouldn't have invited you to the party. That shows he let bygones be bygones." Chrissy said to me.

"I guess you're right. Now I have to finish getting ready. I'll talk to you tomorrow."


I hang up the phone and continued to do my makeup. I'm going with a natural look as I didn't want to wear a full face of makeup. It's just a house party and I'm not planning to stay long. I'm only going to wish Joe happy birthday and leave.

After I was done putting on my makeup and finally finding the right clothes I wanted to wear, I walked outside only to see Jey standing right outside my drive way with his Mercedes Benz as he leaned on his car. I walked up to him confused as to why he's here.

"Jey, what are you doing here? I thought you would already be at the party." I asked him.

"I was on my way but then I realized that it would be more convenient if we carpooled. We literally live right next to each other." He admitted and I watched him open the right door for me.

I furrowed my eyebrows and crossed my arms together as I stare at him.

"Look, I'm not planning on staying there long either. I just want to drop off his this present to my cousin, eat some cake and we can leave. That's all." He said and I sighed and walked towards his car and hopped in.

He closes the door for me like a true gentleman and speed walked to his side and started his car and drove off.


Shocked isn't even the word to describe how huge Roman's house was. This so called Tribal Chief was living large in a beautiful mansion. Jey catch me up to speed about what happened in wrestling and explain all about the events.

He told me he was in a huge storyline with his family and they had a fall out segment and that's why they spilt brands. Jey moved to Monday night and became main event Jey uso.

I kinda like that as it gave Jey his time to shine and he seems happy about that change and to be by himself without Jimmy being in his way.

Jey and I walked up to Roman's front door and knocked until he was open. Roman stood tall as he was wearing a suite.

"Jey, you're here. Glad you can make it." Roman said as he left is both in.

I stare in awe on how amazingly huge Roman's house is.

"Roman, you remember Naya. My best friend since pre-k." Jey introduces me.

"Anaya......Wilson?" He pointed as he remembers. I nodded and smile at him. "Of course I remember her. She was always hanging out with us when we where little kids." Roman came up to me giving me a welcome hug.

His body was so huge in comparison to mind as he was not the same Joe I use to remember. Same with Jey as they are so much more bigger now.

"Happy Birthday Roman." I say to him.

"Thank you and everyone is here already. Jimmy and your brother Solo are just chilling on the couch." Roman admits and we began to follow him to his large living room.

Stepping in, I saw Solo who I remember was Joseph, sitting next to a girl and Jimmy who is also sitting next to a girl as well. Seeing Jimmy after so long made me so nervous.

"Is that Ms Wilson? All big and grown?" Jimmy stood up, recognizing me instantly. He walked up to me with a big smile and hugged me instantly.

I smiled as I hugged him back. My nose buried into his neck as he smelled the same as I remembered. He lets go of our hug while he still smiles at me. He pulled a woman beside him as he wrapped his arm around her.

"Anaya this is my wife Naomi." Jimmy admitted and my eyes widened.

His wife? Jimmy is married? Well she is definitely beautiful and her smile is captivating. She's gorgeous and in great shape.

"Nice to meet you." She offer me her hand and I take it and shake it.

"And you remember our little brother Solo?" Jimmy asked me and I nodded.

Solo doesn't say anything or wave but signals his head up to me. I smiled at him as I remembered Solo wasn't really a talkative type of guy and he was always just silent.

Roman's party was more like a small get together. His family and some of his closed friends were here and even co workers. I met a lot of WWE wrestlers but one came up to me with short blonde hair and blue eyes. I remember seeing him on TV on Monday night raw and everyone seem to love him.

"Hey" He came to me and said.

"Hi." I replied.

"Are you one of Roman's friends?" He asked me.

"Sort of. I knew Roman ever since we were kids. Jey invited me here." I admitted to him.

"Oh I see. I'm Cody." He offered out his hand to me.

"Anaya." I shake his hand. Cody pulled my hand up to his lips as he gave me a gentle kiss on the back of my hand.

"Well Anaya, it's a pleasure to meet you." He says, leaving me a bit taken back by his sudden move.

I won't lie he is pretty....dashing and his blue eyes were beautiful to stare into.

"Anaya!" I heard my name being called. I turned and saw Jey as he walked up to me, grabbing my arm forcefully. "It's time to go. I'm taking you home." He spoke to me without giving me much of an opportunity to speak as he practically dragged me out of Roman's house.

I'm even more concerned as why Jey looked so annoyed all of a sudden. Did something happen?

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