Asuna (Sword Art Online)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

During a battle with a powerful boss, [Y/N] [L/N] falls to the ground with his health in the red as the monster looms over him ready to deal the killing blow.

[Y/N] : Kirito! I need a little help over here!

He yells out to his friend, who is currently fighting off hoards of the boss' minions.

Kirito : I can't get to you [Y/N]! These things just don't know when to quit! I'm sorry man.

So this is how I die huh? Guess it was bound to happen sooner or later, but still. Farewell Asuna, I'll miss you.

The exhausted swordsman closes his eyes in acceptance of his fate and waits for death....but it never comes.

[Y/N] : H-huh?

Opening his eyes, he sees his close friend Asuna Yuuki blocking the monster's attack.

W-when did she get here?

He wonders as Asuna stands in front of him protectively.

Asuna : As long as I am breathing, no one hurts [Y/N] and gets away with it. Trying to kill him was a grave mistake.

She tells the boss with the coldest glare known to man as it flinches slightly out of fear.

Jeez, I feel a little bad for that thing now. Asuna can be absolutely terrifying when she's angry, and nothing ticks her off more than when I'm injured or in danger for some reason.

Now that the boss is focused on Asuna instead of him, [Y/N] accessed his inventory to use one of his health recoveries and equipped a new sword, since his previous one was destroyed earlier in the battle.

Alright, back to full health and ready to jump back into the fray! Time to get some revenge on that ugly mofo for nearly killing me!

He rushes at the boss as Kirito does the same.

[Y/N] : Oh so now you can help me huh?

Kirito : Dude, I said I was sorry! I just now finished killing all the minions, it wasn't as easy as you'd think!

[Y/N] : Fair enough, let's just finish this ok?

Kirito : Right!

With looks of sheer determination, the three each deliver a powerful strike to the boss, finally killing it and bringing this long battle to an end.

[Y/N] : We did it! Although this is just a game, I hope that thing burns in Hell for everything it put us through.

Kirito : Yeah, the feeling is mutual man.

They bro hug as Asuna walks up to [Y/N] with an annoyed look.

[Y/N] : There she is! My knight in shining armor! You saved my life Asuna, thank you so much.

Asuna : .....

She continues looking at [Y/N] as he begins getting worried.

[Y/N] : I-is everything alright Asuna?

He is quickly caught off guard when she suddenly engulfs him in a tight embrace.

S-she's hugging me!

A small blush makes its way onto [Y/N]'s face as he hugs her back.

Moments later, Asuna pulls away and looks at him with a few tears threatening to fall from her eyes.

Asuna : You were so close to dying today [Y/N]! Why did you and Kirito take on the boss without me or the rest of the guild?!

Kirito : It was my idea Asuna. Heathcliff was taking too long coming up with a battle strategy so I figured [Y/N] and I could handle the boss ourselves.

Asuna : And look how well that went! If I hadn't shown up, both of you would be dead!

[Y/N] : We're really sorry Asuna, aren't we Kirito?

Kirito : ........uh-huh.

Way to sound convincing there bud.

[Y/N] deadpans before turning his attention back to the still upset Asuna.

[Y/N] : How about I make it up to you by preparing your favorite meal for the two of us back at my place? My cooking skill isn't as high as yours, but I've been improving a lot.

Asuna blushes at his suggestion and thinks to herself.

T-this is perfect! I have a chance to spend time with [Y/N] outside of fighting enemies and guild stuff!

Asuna : I'll take you up on that offer [Y/N].

[Y/N] : Great! I'll see you later then! I have to go get everything ready!

He takes off as Kirito looks at Asuna with a smirk.

Asuna : What?

Kirito : You love him don't you?

His question causes her face to heat up as she gets defensive.

Asuna : N-no I don't! [Y/N] is just a friend!

Kirito : Yeah, because your blush and stutter are totally convincing Asuna.

He says sarcastically before getting punched in the shoulder by her.

Kirito : Ow! Why'd you punch me?! I'm right aren't I?

Asuna : F-fine! I admit it! I am in love with [Y/N]! Are you happy now Kirito?!

??? : Y-you love me Asuna?

Her eyes widen as she turns around seeing [Y/N] standing there in surprise.

[Y/N] wasn't supposed to hear that! I thought he left!

Asuna : D-didn't you just leave a minute ago?

[Y/N] : Yeah, but I came back because I forgot to tell you what floor I live on.

Asuna : O-oh...

Uncomfortable silence permeates the boss room before Asuna sighs and speaks up.

Asuna : What you heard is true [Y/N], I have feelings for you.

She tells him as he begins to smile.

[Y/N] : I never'd feel the same way I do. I love you too Asuna.

He walks up and kisses her softly on the lips as they embrace.

Asuna : D-don't go thinking this means you're off the hook for that dinner [Y/N]!

She says with a flustered face as he chuckles, Kirito congratulating them both on becoming a couple as they leave the boss room together.

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