Velvet Scarlatina (RWBY)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Semblance : Can summon an army of spirit wolves.

Now let the story begin.

[Y/N] [L/N], who has been dubbed the lone wolf of Beacon, is sitting in the cafeteria by himself eating his lunch, when an all too familiar scene begins playing out at a nearby table.

Velvet Scarletina, a rabbit faunus and member of Team CFVY, is having her ears painfully yanked by Cardin Winchester and his teammates.

[Y/N] : That's it, I've seen enough of this!

He says to himself with a growl as he angrily walks over to Cardin's table, catching the attention of the entire cafeteria.

Dove : Uh C-Cardin?

Cardin : Wha-

The first year student is cut off when his hand is forcefully pulled away from Velvet's ears by a growling [Y/N].

Cardin : Let go of my hand you freak!

He yells as he tries to break free from the wolf faunus' grip.

[Y/N] : You have been bullying Velvet since the beginning of the school year, and I'm putting a stop to it!

Cardin : Oh yeah? And how are you going to do that wolf boy?

[Y/N] chuckles darkly.

[Y/N] : I'm so glad you asked Winchester.

He activates his semblance as a pack of ghostly wolves begin circling the table, ready to attack at their master's command.

[Y/N] : Either quit harassing Velvet, and every other faunus here, or I'll make you and your flunkies into a  light lunch for my pack. It's your choice Cardin.

Cardin, trying to not show how scared he is at the moment, gets up and leaves with his team without saying a word.

[Y/N] deactivates his semblance as he takes a seat next to Velvet.

[Y/N] : How's your ears Vel? Are you in any pain at all?

He asks her in an unusually soft voice, causing her to blush.

Velvet : M-my ears are f-fine, j-just a little sore.

She says and blushes even harder as [Y/N] begins gently massaging her ears to soothe her pain.

Velvet : [Y/N], w-why are you always so n-nice to me?

[Y/N] : Because I'm your friend Vel, and you don't deserve to be treated like that by Cardin and his goons.

As [Y/N] continues to massage her ears, Velvet unconsciously begins nuzzling her head into his hands, which the wolf faunus can't help but find absolutely adorable.

[Y/N] : You are so cute Velvet, I love you so much.

He says without realizing it, causing Velvet to look at him in shock with a deep blush forming on her face.

Velvet : Y-you love me [Y/N]?

She asks very shyly.

Realization sets in as [Y/N] stops rubbing her ears as a wave of embarrassment washes over him.

[Y/N] : Why did I say that out loud?!

He slams his head onto the table to hide his face, only for Velvet to poke his shoulder to get his attention.

Velvet : [Y/N]?

[Y/N] : .....yeah?

Velvet : C-can you look at me p-please?

He does so with a sigh.

Velvet : Did you mean what you said? You love me?

[Y/N] : Well, it wasn't how I wanted to confess my feelings, but yeah, what I said was true. I've had a crush on you ever since we were first years, and that crush hasn't gone away. I love you Velvet, and if you don't feel the same way about me, then can we please just continue being friends and forget that this embarrassing conversation ever happened?

Velvet : Is that why you're always protecting me? Because you're in l-love with me?

[Y/N] : Partially yes, but I would still protect you even if I didn't have feelings for you, because I don't tolerate racism against any faunus, especially a beautiful and cute rabbit like you.

Velvet blushes even more and does something that surprises all the onlookers in the cafeteria.

She leans in and pulls [Y/N] into a kiss, making him go wide-eyed before quickly sinking into it.

After pulling away, Velvet smiles at the wolf faunus, who looks at her with a dumbfounded expression.

[Y/N] : You just kissed me. Does that mean....?

Velvet : Uh-huh. I've had feelings for you too [Y/N], but even with Coco encouraging me to ask you out, I was too shy to do it. Now I know you feel the same about me, and all that shyness just melts away.

[Y/N] : I never knew. Do you want to be my girlfriend Velvet?

She happily nods, causing him to smile before standing up and addressing the entire room.

[Y/N] : Listen up! Velvet is now my girlfriend, and if I find any of you picking on her, then I will feed you to my pack! That is all.

He says before nonchalantly sitting back down.

Velvet : Was that really necessary?

[Y/N] : Yes. Wolves are extremely protective of their mates, so I was just issuing a friendly warning.

Velvet : Oh, so I'm your mate now?

She asks teasingly.

[Y/N] : You know what I meant!

He exclaims in defense, causing her to giggle.

Velvet : I do. I love you [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I love you too Velvet.

The two share another kiss before Velvet pulls away and begins stroking [Y/N]'s wolf tail.

[Y/N] : W-what are you doing Velvet?

Velvet : Well, since you're always massaging my bunny ears, it's only fair that I get to pet your tail. Wow, it's so soft!

[Y/N] : T-thanks Vel.

A cute smile appears on [Y/N]'s face before he notices the entire cafeteria staring at him.

[Y/N] : What are you all looking at?!

They quickly go back to their business as [Y/N] spends the remainder of the lunch period with his girlfriend.

Female x Male Reader One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora