Cynthia (Pokémon)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[F/F] = Favorite Flavor

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Pokémon Partner : Dusknoir

Now let the story begin.

Jeez, today has been exhausting. There's been a lot more challengers then usual lately. At least I can take a break from my champion duties and unwind for a bit.

Cynthia, current champion of the Sinnoh region, sighs in relief as she walks through the streets of Hearthome City after a day of nonstop battles.

Not that I'm complaining, but I'm surprised I'm not being hounded by a crowd of people for an autograph or a battle right now. Oh well, I'm enjoying the peace and quiet anyways. I just hope it stays that way.

Passerby #1 : Hey, isn't that the Champion over there?

Passerby #2 : You're right! Hey everyone, it's Champion Cynthia!

Well, so much for that.

Cynthia looks down and frowns slightly as a crowd of people begin forming around her.

After being bombarded with seemingly endless questions and battle requests, Cynthia starts getting slightly uncomfortable, which someone nearby takes notice to.

Suddenly, the immediate area goes quiet as a large Dusknoir appears in front of the crowd and simply floats in place.

Hold on, I recognize that Dusknoir!

Cynthia's eyes widen as she knows the trainer this Dusknoir belongs to.

Feeling intimidated by the ghost type pokémon, the crowd begins to dissipate until Cynthia is the only one there.

??? : I hope that didn't scare you Cynth, but you looked kinda overwhelmed there, so I thought I'd have Dusknoir do some crowd control.

Cynthia hears a very familiar voice say.

Only one person I know calls me Cynth. It has to be-

Interrupting her thoughts, a young man walks into view, revealing himself to be [Y/N], Cynthia's longtime friend and secret crush.

[Y/N] : Heya Cynth, it's good to see you.

He says with a friendly smile.

Upon seeing him, Cynthia rushes over to [Y/N] and hugs him tightly, making his face turn red from the contact.

Cynthia : It's great to see you too [Y/N]! What are you doing here though? Last time we talked, I thought you said you were going to Kanto to visit your father?

[Y/N] : I did, but he got called back to work, so I came back here early. But enough about that, I caught one of your battles on tv today, and you were awesome as always Cynth.

Despite having been complimented on her battling prowess on multiple occasions by many people, hearing [Y/N] give her a compliment makes Cynthia's face darken with a blush.

Cynthia : T-thank you [Y/N], that's really nice of you to say.

[Y/N] : Are you ok? Your face is really red.

He asks her with concern in his voice.

Cynthia : O-oh, I'm fine [Y/N]. I think I'm just a little hot is all.

[Y/N] : Yeah it is pretty warm out today. I know, how about you and I go get some ice cream?

Cynthia's eyes light up immediately as she wordlessly grabs her friend's hand and drags him to the nearest ice cream stand, making him chuckle.

Even after years of knowing her, Cynth still has an enormous love for ice cream. It's so adorable.

After getting their ice cream, [Y/N] and Cynthia take a seat on a nearby bench and chat.

Cynthia : You know something [Y/N], I really enjoy having moments like this. Being the champion can be rather stress inducing sometimes you know?

She says before taking a lick of her vanilla ice cream.

[Y/N] : I bet. I enjoy these moments too Cynth, because I get to spend them with you.

He says as he continues enjoying his [F/F] treat.

Cynthia blushes from his words with a smile on her face.

He's so sweet. My heart just flutters whenever I'm with him. That settles it, I'm finally gonna confess my feelings to him...after I finish my ice cream.

After the two finish their frozen treats, Cynthia clears her throat, catching [Y/N]'s attention.

[Y/N] : Hmm? Something on your mind Cynth?

Cynthia : There is. I want to tell you something [Y/N], but I'm having trouble finding the words.

He places a hand on her shoulder and gives her a small smile.

[Y/N] : Take your time Cynth. You know you can tell me anything.

She returns his smile before taking in a deep breath.

Alright Cynthia, just tell him what you're feeling straight from the heart. No beating around the bush.

Cynthia : [Y/N], we've been friends for so long, and I will always treasure that. But there's something I've been keeping from you for a while now.

[Y/N] : W-what is it Cynth?

He asks feeling slightly uneasy.

Cynthia : I...I'm in love with you [Y/N].

She says with a deep blush, causing his to look at her in surprise before his face turns the same shade of red as hers.

[Y/N] : Y-you love me Cynth?

She gives him a small smile and nods as confirmation.

[Y/N] : I never knew. T-this feels like a dream. F-for the longest time, I've had feelings for you too Cynth.

Cynthia : Y-you did? Why did you say anything?

[Y/N] : Why didn't you say anything until today?

Cynthia : ....fair enough.

[Y/N] : It doesn't matter now. We both have feelings for each other, so does that mean we're a couple now or-

He's cut off by Cynthia slamming her lips onto his, kissing him passionately before pulling away.

Cynthia : Yes, yes it does.

She says as they both smile widely.

[Y/N] : Good. I love you Cynthia.

The Sinnoh champion looks at him with pure love in her eyes.

Cynthia : I love you too [Y/N].

The two snuggle next to each other as [Y/N]'s Dusknoir floats past them with casual nonchalance.

Female x Male Reader One ShotsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara