Brigitte (Overwatch)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[F/N] = Friend Name

: = Dialogue

Now let the story begin.

[Y/N] : Thanks for agreeing to help test out my latest invention [F/N].

[Y/N] [L/N], who has been dubbed 'the mad genius inventor of Overwatch' says with a smile to his best friend [F/N].

[F/N] : No problem man. So, what are those supposed to do exactly?

He says while pointing to the two bracelet-like items on the table next to him.

[Y/N] : I'm glad you asked! Those bracelets are state of the art technology and quite possibly my greatest invention yet! To put it simply, the wearer's arms will become incredibly durable, just like the power of the red-headed manly kid from that superhero anime you and I have been binge watching.

[F/N] : Really? That's so cool!

[Y/N] : I know right?! Now, put both of them on so we can start the tests.

Meanwhile, Brigitte Lindholm, [Y/N]'s girlfriend and fellow member of Overwatch, is talking to her father Torbjörn about something, when the two suddenly hear a loud boom echoing from somewhere nearby.

Brigitte : Oh no, please don't tell me that's what I think it was.

Torbjörn : You think that noise was one of [Y/N]'s inventions exploding again?

Brigitte sighs and nods, as she is well accustomed to her eccentric boyfriend's creations blowing up or backfiring in some way.

Torbjörn : Well, we better go check on him.

Brigitte : Right behind you papa, I just hope he's not hurt in any way.

The two head off to [Y/N]'s inventing room, both of them picking up their pace as several more bangs go off.

Entering the room, Torbjörn and Brigitte are shocked to see nothing on fire or blown up, just [Y/N] standing in front of [F/N] with a machine gun in his hand.

[F/N] : These bracelets really work. There's not a single scratch on my arms!

[Y/N] : Yep, I can confidently say that the gunfire test is a success! Let's see how well my bracelets protect you against stronger ammunition. Imma go grab my rocket launcher real quick!

He walks away before noticing Brigitte and her father standing in the doorway.

[Y/N] : Hey babe, hey Torbjörn! Is there something I can help you with?

He greets them with a smile.

Torbjörn : We heard a loud noise earlier and thought it had something to do with you.

[Y/N] : Well you'd be right about that.

Brigitte quickly walks over to her boyfriend and looks him over with worry in her eyes, causing both him and her father to chuckle.

[Y/N] : I'm fine babe, don't worry. So far nothing bad has happened. I haven't exploded or caught myself on fire at all today!

Brigitte : I know hun, but as your girlfriend it's my job to worry about you. I love you [Y/N], and though I understand your drive to invent things, you have a tendency to go a tad overboard when it comes to testing your inventions.

Torbjörn : My daughter is right [Y/N]. I've seen the things you've made in the past, and while they were pretty impressive, you've got to stop going to the extreme when you test them.

[Y/N] : I get what you're both saying, but I have to test my inventions the way I do. Being a member of Overwatch, I will help and protect people to the best of my abilities. Unfortunately, Overwatch can't be everywhere at once, and can't always be there to help people who are in danger. That's why I became an inventor in the first place, to create things that civilians can use to protect themselves from major threats when we can't get there in time. What if Talon or some other threat attacked and we weren't fast enough to stop them? I test my inventions rigorously to insure that they can do their job and keep people safe. If they explode or fail, that just means I have to go back to the drawing board. As the old saying goes 'when at first you don't succeed, try try again'. My dream is to one day see my inventions mass produced and used by the general public, not for fame or fortune, but to see that people are safe because of something I made.

[F/N] : I've gotta say, [Y/N]'s invents can be pretty hit or miss, but these bracelets are dynamite! We tried multiple different weapons and firearms to test their durability. Axe, mace, sword, hand gun, sniper rifle, machine gun, none of them left so much as a mark on my arms.

[Y/N] : Uh-huh! Edged weapons were ineffective, and bullets just bounced off [F/N]'s arms!

Brigitte : Wow hun, that's amazing!

She pulls her boyfriend into a hug and kisses him on the cheek, making him blush.

[Y/N] : T-thanks babe, but I still have one more test I'd like to conduct. Now, where did I put that rocket launcher?

[F/N] : Actually dude, can I take a break? We've been at this all day and I'm getting kind of tired.

[Y/N] : That's fine, plus I'm feeling rather famished right now. We can do the final test later.

[F/N] : Thanks man. I'll be in my room if anyone needs me, see you all later.

He walks out of the room after taking off the bracelets and placing them back on the table.

Brigitte : Come on hun, you can come with me and papa to get something to eat.

[Y/N] : I'd like that babe, thanks.

Brigitte : You're welcome [Y/N], I love you.

[Y/N] : I love you too Brigitte.

The two share a brief kiss before heading to the cafeteria with Torbjörn in tow.

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