Momo Yaoyorozu (My Hero Academia)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

Italics = Thoughts

: = Dialogue

Quirk : Self-duplication

Now let the story begin.

Come on [Y/N], you can do this!

Momo Yaoyorozu, a student at U.A. High School, is mentally cheering for her friend and crush [Y/N] [L/N], who is about to begin a training battle against Katsuki Bakugo.

Bakugo : I won't lose to you, you stupid extra!

[Y/N] : We'll see about that, you explosive pomeranian.

He said with a smirk as he multiplies into 4 copies of himself.

[Y/N] #1 : We're gonna take you Bakugo...

[Y/N] #2 : To [L/N] university...

[Y/N] #3 : We'd say take you to school...

[Y/N] #4 : But I think we're beyond the basics.

Bakugo growls angrily and rushes at one of the [Y/N]s, only to be intercepted by the other 3 and tackled to the ground.

[Y/N] #1 : We gotcha now firecracker!

[Y/N] #2 : Who's the extra now huh?

Bakugo : Get off me you losers!

He screamed as he creates an explosion, blasting the [Y/N]s away.

Bakugo : DIE!!!

He rushes at one of the [Y/N]s again, only for the clone to fade away.

Bakugo : What?! Where'd he go?!

??? : Hey firecracker, turn around!

He turns around and sees 25 [Y/N]s staring at him smugly.

[Y/N] #1 : We..are...

Army of [Y/N]s : LEGION!!!

Bakugo : ...oh crap.

[Y/N] : Let's get him boys!!!

The [Y/N]s let out a battle cry and attack Bakugo, who is overwhelmed by the sheer number of [Y/N]s and loses the fight.

[Y/N] smiles victoriously and deactivates his quirk, causing his clones to fade away.

He walks back to his seat as Momo congratulates him.

Momo : That was amazing [Y/N], you really have great mastery over your quirk. I wish I was as skilled at using my quirk as you are.

He gives Momo a friendly smile, causing her to blush.

[Y/N] : Thank you Momo, but you don't give yourself enough credit. It's because of your help that I can use my quirk so well, you're a great friend and an amazing person Momo.

She blushes furiously at her crush's praise. 

He's so sweet and humble, I wish I could just gather the courage to confess my feelings for him.

Momo : T-thank you [Y/N], I think you're an amazing person as well.

He sits down next to her and sighs happily.

[Y/N] : I love you so much Momo.

She looks at him in shock.

Momo : W-what did you just say [Y/N]?

His eyes widen as he realized what he just said.

Crap, did I say that out loud?! Oh no, what do I do now?!

[Y/N] : Umm...c-can we talk about this after class please?

Momo : O-ok.

They proceed to sit though the rest of class in complete and awkward silence.

When school is finally over for the day, Momo shyly asks [Y/N] to meet her at her dorm later to talk.

She wants to talk, that can't be good. Darn it [Y/N], why did you have to say you love her out loud?! I made things incredibly awkward between us, and I can only hope that we can just forget about all this and still be friends.

He arrives at Momo's dorm as she quietly invites him in.

[Y/N] : Hey.

Momo : Hi.

He sighs and looks at his friend.

[Y/N] : Look Momo, about what I said earlier, I-

Momo : Did you mean what you said?

He looks at her in surprise.

[Y/N] : What?

She looks at him with a serious face.

Momo : When you said that you love me, did you mean it?

[Y/N] : Yes Momo, I meant it. I love you Momo Yaoyorozu, you're just so kind, and smart, and beautiful, that I couldn't help but to develop feelings for you.

She turns away from him and prepares what she wants to say.

Come on Momo, he confessed his feelings for you, so it's about time you do the same.

She takes a deep breath and turns back around to face [Y/N].

Momo : [Y/N], I need to tell you that I feel the exact same way. You've been one of my closest friends since our first day at U.A., and I must confess that I've been attracted to you since the day we met. The longer I've gotten to know you, the more my crush on you grew. I love you [Y/N] [L/N], and I want a relationship with you.

He smiles widely and kisses Momo on the lips, making her flustered.

That was my first kiss, I must say it was quite nice. Somehow I knew [Y/N] would be a good kisser.

He saw her flustered expression and smiled, splitting into 3 [Y/N]s.

[Y/N] #1 : I think I broke her boys.

[Y/N] #2 : I'd say so, she's as red as an apple.

[Y/N] #3 : Hey, I've got an idea!

The 3 [Y/N]s huddle together and whisper to each other, then turning to Momo with cheeky grins.

[Y/N] #1 : Let's get her.

Momo's eyes widen.

Oh no.

The 3 [Y/N]s tackle her to the bed and begin kissing and hugging her.

All three [Y/N]s : We love you Momo!

His clones fade away as he kisses Momo one more time.

[Y/N] : Sorry Momo, I got a bit carried away didn't I?

She nods and tries to hide her extremely red face.

Momo : It's fine, just don't gang up on me with your clones again ok?

[Y/N] : Ok, I love you Momo.

She smiles and kisses him softly on the lips.

Momo : I love you too [Y/N].

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