Pyrrha Nikos (RWBY)

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[Y/N] = Your Name

[L/N] = Last Name

: = Dialogue

Semblance : Can control and create plant life.

Now let the story begin.

Pyrrha Nikos, a student from Beacon Academy, is eating lunch with her friends when she suddenly hears a pained yelp coming from the other side of the cafeteria.

She looks to see what it was, and saw Cardin Winchester and his teammates harshly yanking the tail of [Y/N] [L/N], a shy fox faunus who happens to be Pyrrha's boyfriend.

Pyrrha's friends look on in anger.

Weiss : Absolutely despicable.

Ruby : Poor [Y/N], why does Cardin bully him so much?

Blake : Because he's a faunus Ruby, Cardin and his team are incredibly racist towards faunus.

Yang : Yeah, but why doesn't [Y/N] fight back? We all know he could wipe the floor with Cardin's whole team, so why doesn't he?

Ren : Maybe because of [Y/N]'s incredibly shy and timid nature? Plus, fighting back would only get him in trouble with Professor Goodwitch, she doesn't tolerate fighting outside of class no matter the reason.

Nora : We can't just sit here and watch [Y/N] get harassed by Cardin! I'm gonna go over there and break his legs!

They see Cardin grab [Y/N] and pull him out of his seat by his fluffy tail, causing the faunus to let out a pained scream.

[Y/N] : Please stop!

Cardin : Not a chance freak, you filthy animals need to be taught your place.

Pyrrha gets up from her seat and angrily makes her way over to Cardin and his team.

Her friends smile, knowing how protective Pyrrha is of her boyfriend.

Before she can confront Cardin, a bunch of thick vines sprout from the ground and wrap around the necks of Cardin and his teammates

Cardin : What the?!

Pyrrha sees [Y/N]'s eyes glowing a bright green, meaning he is using his semblance.

Cardin : Let me go you filthy fox!

The large vines continue to grow and constrict [Y/N]'s tormentors, much to Pyrrha's worry.

Pyrrha : Baby, you've lost control of your semblance again! Listen to the sound of my voice, please stop the vines!

[Y/N]s eyes flicker and turn back to normal as the vines disappear, causing Cardin and his team to fall to the floor.

[Y/N] : P-Pyrrha? I did it again didn't I? I'm so sorry!

He began to cry in remorse as Pyrrha begins comforting him.

Pyrrha : Shhh. It's ok baby, it's not your fault.

Cardin gets up and looks at the fox faunus in both fear and anger.

Cardin : You're a monster! You almost killed me! You're nothing but a freak who doesn't belong here!

[Y/N] began to tear up again as Pyrrha gives Cardin the coldest glare possible.

Pyrrha : I've had enough of you Cardin, you've done nothing but torment and bully my boyfriend and I'm sick of it! My precious fox is the kindest, sweetest, most handsome guy in all of Remnant, and I will not tolerate seeing him upset because of you anymore! I've tried to be nice, but the way you treat my [Y/N] and the other faunus students is abhorrent. I'm giving you a warning, if I see you bothering my sweet boyfriend or any other faunus here, I will show you why I'm the Champion of Mistral.

She said with venom laced in her usually sweet voice.

Cardin nods nervously as he and his team quickly exit the cafeteria.

??? : I'm surprised Ms. Nikos, I've never seen you so angered before.

She and [Y/N] turn around and see Professor Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon.

Pyrrha : P-Professor Ozpin! I-

Ozpin : It's ok Ms. Nikos, I saw the whole thing. Rest assured that Mr. Winchester and his team will be punished for their treatment of Mr. [L/N].

[Y/N] : Am I in trouble too Professor?

Ozpin : No Mr. [L/N], you are not. However, I do wish for you to have better control over your semblance. Perhaps Ms. Nikos can aid you with that?

[Y/N]/Pyrrha : Of course Professor.

Ozpin : Alright then, please enjoy the rest of your lunch period.

He walks away as both Pyrrha and [Y/N] sigh in relief.

Pyrrha suddenly begins stroking [Y/N]'s tail, causing the shy fox faunus to blush.

[Y/N] : Pyrrha, w-what are you d-doing?!

She smiles softly and kisses his cheek.

Pyrrha : I thought my little fox's tail might be sore, so I'm rubbing it to make it feel better. Do you like it?

He shyly smiles and begins to make cute fox noises, which Pyrrha finds incredibly cute.

Pyrrha : I'll take that as a yes, I love you so much [Y/N].

[Y/N] : I l-love you t-too Pyrrha.

She smiles at how shy her boyfriend is and gently strokes his fluffy tail a few more times.

Pyrrha : How does your tail feel now baby?

He wiggles his tail a bit and lets out a happy fox noise.

[Y/N] : All better now, thank you Pyrrha.

Pyrrha : No problem [Y/N], anything for my cute little fox.

He blushes and shyly hides his face, making his girlfriend almost squeal at how adorable he is.

Pyrrha : Aww, I swear I have the most precious boyfriend in the world! Let's go sit down [Y/N], I'll share my lunch with you if you do something for me.

[Y/N] : Hmm? What do you want me to do?

Pyrrha : Give me a kiss.

He blushes and nods, gently kissing Pyrrha on the lips.

She giggles.

Pyrrha : Perfect, now let's go eat. I love you so much, my cute little fox.

[Y/N] : I love you too Pyrrha.

They walk over to Pyrrha's table and have lunch together, Pyrrha insisting on feeding her shy boyfriend.

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