10. Primus-7

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Minutes later, the team was ready to go, the Star-Angel was up and running. Their next destination was the similarly advanced city of Primus-7 which was mysteriously attacked by an unknown threat.

According to Valkyria, it was Neo Evolvers but based on her description of them, it seemed there was something different about them. It had to be if even the elite Energyborn Guardians needed Neo Evolution's assistance.

This attack was sudden. Primus-7 was a peaceful world and place in Orion, the working assumption was that it had been Silas responsible for this attack but Valkyria confirmed that there was no sign of the Silas and the Dark Realm in this instance.

But this impromptu mission would give the team a chance to test out their skills and improvement from their training in Genesis. To see exactly how powerful they've all become within the last few weeks, they had most certainly grown much stronger but had yet to test out their strength so they had the chance to do that here.

Everyone quickly got on board the Star-Angel, the spacecraft taking off in a matter of seconds.

Rex sat in the pilot's chair, taking control of the spacecraft. The flight to Primus-7 wouldn't be long as they'd be traveling through the interdimensional portal which would take about a second.

Percy, however, was still nowhere to be found. Rex tried to get into contact with him but to no avail, there was no way to contact him at the current moment. So the team would be on their own for this mission, without the help of Energy Man who probably would've been able to handle this threat on his own.

But wherever Percy was.....he was nowhere to be found but Neo Evolution had to focus on helping the Energyborn Guardians against this unknown crisis.

Once the Star-Angel 66 went through the portal, they appeared in Primus-7 seconds later.

And the setting was a war zone. It looked similar to the Dark Realm's invasion but Primus-7 did not have the means to properly defend themselves from any threats.

No weapons and no form of defense, they lived with a pacifist mindset, something that proved to greatly cost them in this instance.

"Holy shit......" Rex remarked as the ship arrived through the portal, he was both horrified and amazed by what he saw.

Which was something no one could explain.

"Those are.....Neo Evolvers?" Zack asked, pointing at one of the hostiles.

Valkyria's description of them were accurate. They seemed to be Neo Evolvers but heavilly mutated to some degree, they resembled monsters who had a strange form of crimson skin.

Their faces looked twisted in pure insanity as they continued to attack.

"What the hell......" Logan breathed out, astonished as what he was seeing.

"Any idea what those things are?" Austin asked his friend.

"Well.....they're Neo Evolvers like us but I don't know what the hell happened to them, they're rabid and feral......what the hell is going on here?"

Below in the city, many Energyborn Guardians could be seen fighting against these mutated Neo Evolvers and were immensely struggling. So Valkyria had no choice but to ask Neo Evolution for assistance because she and her fellow Energyborn warriors were on the edge of losing this battle.

"Okay......so, you got a plan here, kid? What do you want us to do?" Logan turned his attention to Rex.

Everyone awaited his orders as he was currently the interim leader of Neo Evolution. Rex stared out onto the chaos below them, breathing heavilly as he began to feel the pressure building in his chest.

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