2. The Training Grounds

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Hours later in the evening, everyone soon decided to retreat back their guest rooms in the castle. It had been a long day, none of them expected that they'd have to leave behind their homes and lives in New Angels but they ultimately had no choice.

The invasion nearly decimated the city, it was only due to the efforts of Percy and Neo Evolution that they managed to limit the damage. Many people died in the battle and others were worse off with critical injuries.

Rex's upgrades to the barrier enhanced safety and security to New Angels but if Silas was able to bypass the barrier once, it was certainly possible that he would be able to do it again.

So moving to Genesis was the only move, unless Silas somehow captured a pure energy being, there was no possible way for the Dark Lord to breach through Genesis.

But Percy suspected that Silas would've been too injured to be on the move already. Percy not only reinjured Silas's inflicted wound but he also significantly injured him by firing a massive energy beam through his chest.

Both Percy and Silas suffered great damage to their health from their battle.

So for now.......everyone was safe but they couldn't hide out here forever. Eventually, Silas would go on a furious rampage looking for Percy and could potentially lay waste to many innocent people and other worlds in his wake so time was of the essence.

Percy had everyone rest up for the evening and planned to begin training tomorrow, he went over this with everyone in a brief meeting. It wouldn't be like training back in New Angels and in the training simulations.

They would be training with Genesis's most formidable warriors, Energyborns were considered to be the strongest species in all of Orion. They were known for level of mastery in combining their powers with physical combat, they were taught to not constantly rely on their ability to harness and control pure energy.

As powerful as their natural abilities were, sole dependence on their powers wasn't the best tactical strategy. Energyborns also didn't use any physical weapons to aid them either as it is against their traditions, it is believed to be because Energyborns preferred to win battles through their own true strength and skills.

Energyborns believed that using any form of physical weapons meant they weren't strong enough to win a battle without using one, that it would invalidate their status as powerful warriors.

So using any weapons was advised against for Energyborns. Percy believed in this tradition and never used any weapons in combat, defeating all of his enemies through his invincible strength.

And it is noted that pure energy beings and Energyborns were practically living weapons, their ability to manipulate pure energy allowed them to unleash devastating and destructive power, making them the most formidable fighters in the entire universe.

Percy achieved higher levels of power that surpassed both his father and Valkyria, the one person that trained them both.

So it was intended for training with Energyborn Guardians for Neo Evolution to grow in strength and power against the Dark Realm forces.

Everyone got their much needed rest before tomorrow, Percy however, chose to start his training early. He asked Valkyria for a short training session, she graciously accepted and the two of them sparred on the training grounds of Genesis.

Valkyria had over 60 years of experience, one of the most relentless and powerful Energyborns, she had 6 decades worth of experience to train the next generation of Energyborn Guardians.

She was crucial in the role of preparing the Orion protector for their destiny, in this case, it was training Connor Jayden and his son.

Despite Percy surpassing his mentor in power, Valkyria was still strong enough to hold her own against the strongest Energyborn in the universe. So they both trained, teacher and student, Percy trained himself at every opportunity which was why he became so powerful.

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