6. North Xianshui

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A day had passed since Serenity received a message from her mother that she wanted to meet in person. That had left Serenity a bit rattled of course, against her better judgment and instincts.....she decided to go through with this but not before informing her Dad and finally telling everyone else.

Logan, Zack and Max all knew Elena in the past, they were there for Austin when his while marriage fell apart, giving their friend all the support he needed at the time.

They also weren't keen on the idea of Serenity meeting up with her mother, they all held a strong dislike for Elena as well and promised to support both Austin and his daughter for whatever they needed.

Blake, Jamie, Olivia and Mei on the other hand had no knowledge about Serenity's family whatsoever and weren't in a position to judge Elena since they didn't know her personally like everyone else did. But of course, they gave the Rhodes family their support as well, they had grown close to both Austin and Serenity.

Mei also went out of her way to comfort her friend through all this. After all, she had a similar situation with her own parents, having grown estranged from them as well so in a way, Mei could also relate to her.

Although it was still quite different from Serenity's family but she appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.

This face to face meeting wouldn't be happening in Genesis for obvious reasons, Percy didn't like or trust Serenity's mother and thus, he didn't want to end up giving that delusional and narcissistic woman access to his home world and the whereabouts of Neo Evolution.

But having a face to face meeting with her in Orion was risky, especially if it took place in New Angels where Silas could resurface at any point and time.

So Percy suggested that the meeting take place in North Xianshui, a Chinese populated city where they could easily blend in.

It also happened to be the Mei's birthplace as well, she had been born in North Xianshui prior to moving to New Angels. Percy traveled there for his Chinese studies, the people of North Xianshui knew of Percy's status and reputation of Energy Man but remained respectful towards the protector.

One reason why Percy often acknowledged Asian culture in Orion.

They had respect and were more civilized than residents in the more known parts of Orion.

New Angels served as the primary location where the Caucasian race represented the population, it was the biggest city in Orion, filled with 99% of Neo Evolvers.

But the rest of Orion were composed of many Asian races and cultures. Percy had traveled to every part of these areas located in Orion, learning about their culture and traditions as it would help understand those places better as the protector.

And as a result, Percy learned many languages from all the places he traveled to.

Ranging from Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, Korean, Hawaiian, Cantonese.

So North Xianshui would be a secluded place where Serenity could meet with her mother. Although there was no way Percy was letting her go alone, he didn't trust Elena and Austin had been in agreement as well so they both chose to be present in North Xianshui as well.

Rex also wanted to tag along as well, but mostly for the possibility that Felix could show up with his mother and Rex despised him for his lack of unconditional love for his own sister.

Rex grew very protective of Serenity when it came to Felix. Serenity assured him that that wasn't necessary but Rex had clearly made up his mind, the three most important people in Serenity's life were looking out for her just as she would for them.

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