22. Before The Dawn

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Time passed and unfortunately for Percy and Neo Evolution.....they had to put their training on hold, this new emergence of mutated Neo Evolvers took precedence over everything else.

Primus-7 was only the first world that got attacked, for all they knew, New Angels could be next.

The creator of these monsters....they were still out there somehow and it was assumed that they had been doing this for years, creating genetically altered Neo Evolvers, turning them into a monstrosity.

So Percy decided to focus all of his attention of finding their creator but that was a difficult task as he soon found out that even his powerful telepathic powers had no effect on them.

Since they were mindless creatures with no functioning brain activity, they could resist telepathic attacks. So no matter how powerful Percy's psychic and telepathic powers were......it wouldn't work on these monsters.

Percy intended on reading their minds in hopes that it would lead them to the whereabouts of their creator but it was useless no matter what.

So Percy was forced to find another way only he didn't know where to start.

These monsters had surfaced out of nowhere, while Percy had disappeared for a short time.

So far, things were quiet, there had been no news of any other sudden attacks by these monsters but it was foolish to assume that all mutated Neo Evolvers were neutralized because there was no way it would be that easy.

But now that the threat of these creatures were known to everyone, both Neo Evolution and the Energyborn Guardians, that gave them the advantage, they weren't prepared the first time that they had fought them but now they have and knew more about them, that fully prepared everyone for the next battle.

And this time, they would have Percy to lead them.

In the midst of everything here, Percy noticed that Serenity was beginning to spend more time with her mother. Her hostility was a bit quelled at least and they started having more civil conversations but in any case, Percy still didn't trust her but he trusted Serenity's judgment.

Austin felt the same, he didn't know what his former wife's true intentions were but trusted his daughter and knew she could handle herself.

As much as Percy disliked his lover's mother and her brother, he wouldn't stand in the way of a possible reconciliation with them, he respected her wishes if that was indeed what she wanted.

Rex of course made it very clear that he didn't like her brother since he had proven prior to all this that he was a bad one.

The two of them in fact nearly came to blows until Blake and Zack stepped in.

It seemed that Rex disliked Elena and Felix more than Percy if that was even possible.

He cared for Serenity greatly and didn't want to see her get hurt. He and Percy stood on the balcony, discussing Serenity and her mother.

"I'm telling you, man.....there's something off about Serenity's mom"

Percy sighed, nodding his head.

"Trust me, I don't doubt that, I don't trust her either"

"Have you......read her mind?"

Percy leaned against the balcony and crossed his arms.

"Under normal circumstances, I would.....but I won't, not unless I have Serenity's permission, even if I dislike the woman, she's still her mother"

Rex nodded, sighing.

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