26. Neutralized Threat

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Mei had collapsed to her knees on the hard mountain rocks and in the rain.

By some incredible miracle, Mei had saved both her and the young child's life.

She was trying to process what had happened, she somehow created a black hole to kill the mutated Neo Evolvers.

Was it due to it being a last effort or was it because of her training in Genesis?


She heard a voice call out, she turned to see Blake and Jamie running over to her. She sighed in relief, everything was going to be fine now.

Percy follower behind them closely.

Blake and Jamie rushed over to their friend.

"Blake.....Jamie....you came for...me?" She said.

"Of course we did! We're your friends" Blake hugged Mei. "Please don't scare us like that again, okay?"

Mei smiled out of relief and hugged Blake back.

Blake released her but Jamie noticed that Mei's hand was damaged.

"Whoa.....what happened to your hand?"

Mei looked down and had finally noticed. She punched that mutated Neo Evolver in the face so hard that she broke her own hand in the process, all the adrenaline of doing so had cancelled out the pain.


"Here, let me see" Blake said, taking Mei's hand and examining it. "Shit.....looks like you broke it"

"It...really hurt so much"

Percy looked around to find the corpses of the mutated Neo Evolvers Mei had supposedly neutralized but they were nowhere to be found.

"Zhao, what happened to the Neo Evolvers you were fighting? I don't see their corpses anywhere......you did kill them, right?"

Mei looked up at Percy and then proceeded to tell him exactly what had happened here.

Everything from punching the mutated Neo Evolvers to somehow creating a black hole that sucked in the surrounding mutated Neo Evolvers which vaporized them.

Blake and Jamie were flabbergasted, confused at what Mei was telling them.

"Sorry, a what now?" Blake was unclear on what he was being told.

Jamie seemed to be even more lost than Blake was.

"Black hole.....that's gotta do with like science, right? I am totally not a science guy"

Percy on the other hand looked curious and somewhat impressed.

"Well look, it doesn't matter, the important thing is that you're safe, you and the girl"

The child looked at all the adults in front of her, Percy got down on one knee to talk to her but the girl was still frightened and hide behind Mei again.

Percy held out in hand in front of him to assure the young that he meant her no harm.

He conversed with her in Chinese.

"Hey.....it's okay. I'm not gonna hurt you, I promise, all the monsters are gone, they can't hurt you anymore. What's your name, sweetheart?"

Percy spoke gently to the child, wanting to make sure she didn't fear him. Percy always treated children with tenderness, making sure that they were protected.

The child turned to Mei who assured her that there was nothing to be afraid of.

The young child turned back to Percy and told him her name.

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