14. Death Berserker

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Serenity stood here across from Percy, coming face to face with her lover as he was covered in so much blood.

He said nothing as he just watched Serenity, growling silently, she didn't know what to do in this situation.

Blake tried to tell her to get away from him, after seeing how Percy brutally maimed and killed the monsters......there was cause for concern, worries that perhaps Percy had completely snapped and lost his sanity.

Serenity walked closer towards Percy until they were inches away from each other, Percy slightly snarled and growled but did nothing.

Whatever this mysterious transformation was, it had altered his mind to some degree but it didn't seem that Percy was going to hurt his allies, least of all Serenity.

"No!" Blake yelled out and tried to run over and stop Serenity but Rex blocked Blake's way, preventing him from going over there.

"What are you doing?" Blake asked, incredulous.

"Just wait! Serenity knows what she's doing, I know Percy......he would never hurt her"

Blake was greatly concerned about this still but agreed, trusting Rex's judgment.

Everyone looked on as Serenity began to raise her hand towards Percy's cheek, he slightly recoiled.

"Hey, shhh... it's okay. It's me.....it's Serenity"

She caressed and stroked his cheek. "I'm not afraid, you hear me? I'm not"

Percy growled lowly but he had seemed to calm down now, he no longer appeared to be in a state of rage anymore.

His eyes began changing, reverting back to the way they were and his transformation began fading, he no longer had a terrifying or menacing aura surrounding him.

Percy breathed heavilly, he blinked and rubbed his eyes, Percy began to regain his rationality again as he looked in confusion at Serenity.

"......Ren" He whispered her nickname.

Serenity smiled in relief.

"Yeah, it's me, Percy"


Percy mumbled before he collapsed, beginning to fall until Serenity caught him in her arms.


She braced him and held Percy in her arms, preventing him from falling to the ground.

"Guys! I need help over here!"

Serenity called over to everyone who rushed over immediately. They gathered around Serenity holding Percy, unsure of what was happening.

"Oh my god, Percy" Max showed concern towards his nephew.

"He's not dead.....is he?" Zack asked but Serenity shook her head.

"No, I don't think so. I think he's just unconscious"

"Come on, let's get back on the ship.......there's nothing more we can do here, those were the last of the mutants" Rex said.

Everyone nodded, Rex helped Serenity carry Percy aboard the ship. They quickly got back on the Star-Angel 66 as Rex piloted the spacecraft, flying it in the air and preparing to leave Primus-7.

No one really spoke a word as they boarded the ship, they were all silent as they stared outside of the ship's window. Seeing the mass amount of destruction and death in the peaceful world of Primus-7, they saved all they could but there were many who didn't survive this onslaught.

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