8. Evil Side

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A day had passed since Serenity met up with her mother in North Xianshui, things were still tense between them and of course they would be.

After 5 years, Serenity was still bitter and resentful of her mother but after calming down, she decided to at least hear her out although Serenity would not forgive her anytime soon.

For everyone's protection, Percy requested for Serenity to not tell her mother that she was staying in Genesis.

She couldn't be trusted and was deemed a security risk, Serenity fortunately agreed and did so with no hesitation. She would only make contact with Elena in North Xianshui, keeping her at arm's length, she didn't want to get her hopes up that her mother truly regretted her actions and wanted to make amends.

Austin had the same mindset as his daughter, he didn't know what to believe when it came to Elena and his first instinct was to protect Serenity. He barely exchanged any words with his estranged son and former wife, he wasn't ready to forgive them.

The rest of the team were finally looped in on everything concerning the Rhodes family, they were surprised to find that out.

Logan, Zack and Max immediately gave their support to their longtime friends, standing by Austin and Serenity all the way. The newcomers also did not hesitate in supporting them as well, they knew nothing about their family background and weren't in a position to judge but that didn't change the fact that the Rhodes were their allies and close friends.

Both Serenity and Austin were grateful for the support of their friends.

To take their mind off of everything, Serenity and her father decided to focus on training.

Percy agreed but kept a close eye on them, making sure they were okay.

He didn't trust Elena for one second, even if everything came up clear when he read her mind, the timing of this was far too suspicious. He was fully aware of the history between his mother and Elena which was the reason Elena never approved of Serenity being romantically involved with Percy.

Of course, Serenity defied Elena on that front as well and she still hadn't cared if Elena continued to disapprove of their relationship.

Percy also couldn't have cared less what Elena thought of him, maybe when he was a kid, he still would've but now.....he was an adult who gives very little about the opinions of others.

As Serenity's lover, Percy gave her his unconditional support. And even though he didn't like or trust Elena.......Percy promised to give her his support and encouragement to hopefully repair her broken relationship with her mother despite the fact that Elena was absolutely undeserving of it.

So whatever Serenity needed.....Percy was there to give it to her, without question.

A while later......Percy decided to briefly leave Genesis, taking off without anyone noticing, he didn't even tell Rex and Serenity where he had gone.

Surprisingly, Percy chose to take a break from intensively training which was unlike him.

Not to mention that he wanted to be alone for a while, not letting anyone know where he was going.

.....Because no one needed to see this, he had some personal business to attend to so he left Genesis deal with it.

After activating a portal and exiting Genesis, Percy transported himself to some secluded and unknown place, the setting was dark, an environment that represented despair and destruction.

Percy seemed unfazed upon arrival, his eyes barely acknowledging this Dark atmosphere. He began to walk towards some kind of abandoned place, everything in this unknown world was destroyed, Percy kept walking until he had reached an area where small visible light could be seen.

It seemed to be the only place where there was any form of light.

But someone could be seen there, they were lying on the ground, having severe injuries that could be detected but still barely alive.

His cold narrow eyes watching, Percy slowly walked towards the unamed man who laid on the ground.

His injuries appeared to be beyond help. His head had become splitt open, blood pouring massively from his head while his left arm was missing and his right was broken, his legs weren't in good shape either.

Clearly.....this man would be unable to defend himself as he was physically incapable of doing so.

Percy stood over him, it was obvious that he was responsible for injuring this man so severely but it was unclear why.

"Hmmm.....you're still alive"

Percy said, almost with a hint of surprise in his voice, like he had expected him to be dead.

The man weakly looked up at Percy, moaning quietly as he tried to speak.


Percy scoffed, amused at the man's words.

"I'm afraid I've already been there....many times over but you'll be there soon"

Percy then proceeded to stomp the man's bloody face as hard as he could.

"HRRRRKKKK!" The man yelled out in pain, he was inches away from death but Percy chose to prolong it.

He wheezed, even if Percy hadn't chosen to kill him right there, the man was dead either way.

With injuries so severe as his, there was no way this man would be able to live, Percy had simply chosen to prolong his death and ensured that he would die slow and painfully.

Percy looked down at the man in disgust, despite not visibly showing it, there seemed to be a form of hatred towards this man.

The same kind of hatred that Percy showed towards humans.

"P-Please......j...just kill me...already"

Suddenly the man suddenly began to cry, tears in his eyes as he begged for Percy to just kill him and be done with it.

But Percy scoffed, showing so signs of remorse or even a glimmer of compassion. It was clear that in Percy's mind.....this man was getting what he deserved, for whatever he did, Percy believed that he was paying for it.

"No, you'll die when it's time for you to. Death by my hands is far too merciful, after what you people did.....I'd say your punishment is quite fitting......did you think I would let it go?"

The man sobbed, knowing that there was no escape for him, his death was inevitable either way.

Percy's expression didn't change one bit, the look on his face and in his eyes, just a cold blank stare.

Around his friends and teammates, he exhibited some emotion but outside of all that.....Percy was a cold-blooded and remorseless individual who displayed sheer ruthlessness.

"You were responsible for her death.....you cowards!" Percy spat out with all the venom in his voice.

Glimpses of Percy's past flashed in his mind, stemming from the dark forest in New Angels that Percy hated the memories of.....a woman could be seen, her face unidentifiable but she was a warrior, a powerful one at that.

Whoever she was.....her death continued to haunt Percy to this day and was perhaps one of the factors of why Percy was the way he was.

As the man kept sobbing pathetically at knowing his life was over, Percy finally decided to end it. So he chose to kill this man by using generating a shard of ice via his cryokinetic powers, just like his uncle's.

.....And he slit his throat with the bladed shard of ice.

The man gurgled as blood rapidly spilled from his throat, bleeding profusely and he felt the end of life in slow, painful agony.

Blood filled his mouth and he died with his eyes open.

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