11. Dark Instinct

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Percy walked deep in the shadows, covered in blood. Not of his own but of his victims, the vengeance seen in his cold blue eyes.

It remained unclear still why he hunted down these people, the ones who remained in a destroyed area and environment. It was implied that Percy may have been the one responsible for this world's destruction and desolation.

But the reason was still unknown.

None of the residents here could survive in a battle against Percy, for each one he fought, he easily outmatched them with his pure skill and unbeatable strength.

He killed any survivors without a thought of remorse, in his eyes......these people deserved to die.

Percy's signal watch continued to activate, the team was in need of him but clearly, he hadn't cared and opted to destroy the signal watch, wanting to be left alone.

There was only one thing he was concerned with right now.

And that was his next victim who was fleeing from Percy. They were limping on one leg, Percy had severely damaged their right one, preventing them from fully running.

They ran throughout the destroyed environment with Percy slowly walking to them, he could've easily rushed to his victim with his speed but Percy decided to toy with them.

Making sure their death was prolonged, wanting them to suffer.


The man screamed in fear of his life but no one would be able to hear him.

Because Percy had killed them all.

Alone and on the verge of his inevitable death, this man was helpless, he had no hope of survival.

Percy hadn't wanted his friends and team to see this, he believed that they would look at him much differently if they did. Percy was already feared by most of Orion and so he harbored the possibility that all of his friends and allies would view him in the same light as they did Silas.

A monster.

A villain born of evil.

But that's exactly what he was, a man that did unforgivable things for the greater good even if it was crossing a line.

Whether anybody liked it or not.......Orion needed Percy. He was the only individual that could end Silas for good, even his own father understood why there was no other way.

A man who stood for inspiration and hope for the people of Orion. A man who was so respected that he impacted Orion in so many ways, Percy was unlike his father and believed that Connor was ashamed to see what his son had become.

A killer just like Silas.

But to Percy's surprise, his father still loved him and assured him that it was okay.

Deep down.....Percy truly did want to honor the legacy of Energy Man, a mantle that was his birthright but things had to be different.

In order to defeat someone like Silas, he couldn't do it the way he was originally expected to.

As a self-righteous and naive hero.

This was what it had all been about, why he had come here tonight. The root cause of his tragic childhood, where everything had changed in his life and what led him to his path of darkness.

After years of trying to put it behind him, Percy chose to confront his devastating past, he felt the hate and fury rise up in his body.

The man Percy had been hunting had lost his balance and tripped, hurting his injured leg in the process.

"AHHHH!" He screamed and clutched his leg, his eyes widened on terror at seeing Percy a few feet away, stalking towards him.

The man tried to crawl away but it didn't matter as Percy quickly caught up and stomped on his leg, injuring him even more.

"AHHHHHHHH!" He let out a blood curdling scream.

There was pure hatred and vengeance in the eyes of Percy, whatever these people had done to him.......Percy refused to have any compassion or capability of showing forgiveness.

Percy turned the man over, his face was covered in blood as he looked at Percy in absolute terror.

It was ironic.....Percy was meant to be a symbol of inspiring peace for the people of Orion but he had become an individual feared by those he was protecting.

A villain to the core.

The man was defenseless and had no hope of surviving this.

"P-Please! I swear I'll never do it again! PLEASE!" He begged for his life but Percy said only one thing to him.

"........You brought this on yourself when you killed her"

Percy proceeded to fire his signature chest energy beam at the man's head who screamed in pure agonizing torture as Percy fired his beam at the man from point blank range.

The screams eventually faded as Percy disintegrated his head, blowing it to pieces and when Percy's energy beam was gone.....there was nothing left of the man's head.

Only a massive pool of blood where it used to be, he had been killed by brutal decapitation in a quick but violent manner.

This was the sheer brutality that Percy showed to his enemies who he deemed to undeserving of living when they had harmed many innocent people.

People who had done nothing to deserve to die so it was only fair that these scumbags and waste of space deserved the very same fate that their victims faced.

As Percy stood there over his victim, he growled quietly but his expression changed, no longer stoic with no emotion......Percy visually displayed a rage of insanity.

His energy aura also began to shift, his blue eyes narrowing even deeper, his energy expanded as he started to transform into some kind of state.

One that displayed the deepest parts of his rage and fury. The ground began to shake as Percy transformed, his face.......it was one of an evil malevolent being of destruction.

And he showed that to be so by looking into the sky, his face twisting into pure rage and hatred as he unleashed a devastating roar of fury.

A monster inside him had awakened.

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