9. Call To Action

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Hours had passed by as everyone began to notice that Percy was nowhere to be found, Rex was the first to point that out.

"Yo guys......where's Percy?"

He asked, everyone was downstairs chatting around and stopped upon hearing Percy's question.

"Probably training, he doesn't do much in his spare time besides train all the time" Logan said.

That brought a chuckle out of everyone.

"Nah, I checked......he's literally left Genesis"

Everyone immediately looked at Rex.

"What? What the hell are you talking about, Rex? What do you mean he left Genesis? As in he's completely left it?" A concerned Logan asked.

"Basically, yeah. I'm not seeing his location through my scanner and his signal watch is deactivated"

This caught everyone's attention as they stood up from their seats and walked over to Rex.

"Shit......that's not good, sounds like wherever he is, he doesn't want to be found at the moment" Logan sighed.

"But what if something to happened to him?" Zack asked, voicing his concern.

"Come on, man, this is Percy we're talking about here. He'll practically be fine, I'd be more worried about whoever comes across him"

"But even so, this is a bit troubling. Silas and the Dark Realm are out there, they could ambush him" Austin pointed out.

But Logan shook his head.

"I don't think so, man. Maybe Rex is right on this one, there's no way the kid suddenly just gets careless and leaves himself unguarded against Silas"

"But why wouldn't he let us know that he left or said something?" Max asked.

That question left everyone in much doubt, raising much concern over Percy's whereabouts and his sudden disappearance.

"Well I mean.....he's not exactly the most open person in Orion, the guy pretty much keeps to himself and that's probably a bit unfair on my part since I still don't know much about him but I'm just saying" Blake voiced his take on the situation.

In a way, Blake had made a fairly good point. Even with his uncle, his father's friends and even Rex and Serenity.....Percy was still very much someone who kept to himself and stopped showing his emotions throughout the years.

".....He's okay, I know it"

Serenity spoke up after staying quiet for a while, everyone then looked at her.

"But how can you know?" Max asked.

"Because I know him, I know Percy and I know wherever he is.....he's safe"

Serenity was confident and optimistic in her words, believing that it was the whole truth.

Austin softly smiled and hugged his daughter close.

"Well.....I sure hope you're right about that, sweetie"

Serneity smiled and leaned into her father.

"So.....what do we even do? Should we go look for him?" Jamie asked.

But Logan shook his head.

"Forget about that, kid. Even if we wanted to, we wouldn't even know where to look and I doubt he'd be in New Angels right now, Percy isn't careless like that"

"He isn't, I already checked" Rex confirmed.

Logan nodded.

"So we just wait for him to get back?" Asked Olivia.

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