3. Evolved

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"Wait......he's your apprentice? Like he's your student or something?" Asked Rex.

Everyone was caught off guard by this, even Logan was thrown for a loop and he was considered to be the most informed member of Neo Evolution.

Percy nodded, directing his attention to the young man standing next to him.

"Something like that, yeah. This is Kaisen, I've trained him as my apprentice in the last few years"

"Just call me Kai, everyone does" The young man spoke up.

".....you know about this?" Zack whispered to his brother, Logan shrugged and shook his head.

"I didn't even know you had one, how'd you even find the time to train both yourself and someone else at the same time?" Rex asked in surprise.

"Well you know me, Rex.....I'm great at multitasking" Percy gave a slight joke, the others chuckled.

"It's um nice to meet you all, I've heard great things about you"

Everyone politely greeted Kai, this had been an unexpected development, for people like Blake, Jamie and Mei, it was natural that they'd be surprised by this.

But for those that knew Percy as long as they have, they couldn't believe that he had been secretly training a young Energyborn all this time and they knew nothing about it.

Although Percy hadn't been too forthcoming about the events that happened in his life, there were things that not even Rex fully knew about Percy and he had spent the last 5 years alongside his best friend.

This was just one of them.

"I hope you all don't mind, Percy asked me to take part in this training session"

"Not at all. I'm guessing since he trained you and all, that you're probably as powerful as him" Rex said.

Kai chuckled. "I'll take that as a compliment"

"My advice to you all is to not hold back against Kai" Valkyria jumped in the conversation. "Percy's trained him well"

"Let's put that to the test, think we've done enough talking, right?" Serenity said, ready to go.

Valkyria chuckled. "Fair enough, let's get started here and actually......how about a change of plans? Instead of you guys facing off against the Energyborn Guardians, you guys take on just Kai? He's kinda outclassed them anyway"

The Energyborn Guardians chuckled, amused at that comment from Valkyria.

"I'm cool with it" Kai agreed.

"Isn't that a bit unfair? There's only one of him and 5 of us" Rex retorted.

"Don't worry about me, I can handle myself......I was trained by your friend after all" Kai reminded them.

Rex chuckled and shook his head.

"Alright pal, if you're sure, don't say we didn't try to warn you"

Kai smirked and got into fighting stance.

Despite it being 5 against 1, with Olivia, Percy and the first generation members sitting back to watch, Kai certainly showed no worries. In fact, it almost seemed that Kai welcomed the challenge.

Rex activated his plasma cannons on both his arms and fired his signature missiles at Kai but the young man easily dodged them, moving at incredible speed and managed to deflect a few of them back at Rex.

The most noticeable thing about Kai was that his energy aura was different in comparison to Percy. The color of his aura was red instead of blue, which was the natural color for pure energy beings and Energyborns.

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