12. The Beast Within

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As the battle raged on in Primus-7, the threat of these mutated Neo Evolvers seemed to be winding down but it was not without difficulty.

The city took heavy damage as many of Primus-7's residents were caught in the crossfire, it was just like Orion's battle against the Dark Realm months ago.

Rex, Serenity and Kai remained on the frontlines, neutralizing as many of these threats as they could. Rex and Serenity showcased their level of improvement in strength from their training.

They were stronger, faster and more powerful than they were before.

Serenity learned the ability to increase the voltage of her electricity without draining her stamina, it allowed her enhance her power while retaining her endurance.

This was most useful against these mutants, even though they showed a high level of invulnerability and slight resistance to some direct attacks, Serenity's lightning blasts still proved fatal.

Rex showcased his level of power by engaging in hand to hand combat with these mutants, able to overpower them with his increased strength.

Rex often relied on his powers of controlling technology which included his plasma cannons so the training had forced to fight tactically much like Percy did.

The three of them tried to avoid killing these mutated Neo Evolvers but ultimately.....they had no choice, it was impossible to simply just subdue and capture them. They were too hostile and aggressive so putting them down was the only option here.

Because whatever they were.....they were no longer ordinary Neo Evolvers like Rex and Serenity, they were mindless beasts who couldn't be reasoned with.

So they had to kill them in order to stop them.

Around the city, Zack teleported as many civillians to safety as he could, moving quickly while his brother and friends watched his back. With their decades long of experience, they were able to deal with these mutated Neo Evolvers.

Many other Energyborn Guardians held their own in the battle but others had to convert into their pure energy form just like Valkyria did in order to escape death.

Kai proved why he was powerful in his own right as he engaged the enemy in combat, killing them as efficiently and brutally as his mentor would. Without Percy there and Valkyria having to retreat, Kai was perhaps the biggest opposition against the mutated Neo Evolvers.

But the more of them they neutralized, more would come.

"You gotta be kidding me!" Rex said as he saw more waves of the mutants arrive.

"Son of a bitch.....how many of these freaks are there?" A frustrated Kai asked.

One of them charged at Kai, mindlessly growling but Percy's young apprentice quickly killed the mutant by ripping its head clean off, decapitating it.

But Kai was blindsided when an ice shard striked his back.

"Arghh!" Kai slightly recoiled as a mutated Neo Evolver attacked him from behind, it growled mindlessly like all the others.

This one seemingly had the power of Cryokinesis, just like Max.

As it tried to attack Kai again, Serenity quickly killed the mutant by shocking it with a massive electrical attack, putting the monster in a chokehold, it struggled against Serenity until she snapped its neck, it died before hitting the ground.

Kai was still wincing in pain, Serenity pulled the ice shard from Kai's back, Rex ran over to them.

"Shit, you okay?"

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