Chapter XXIII

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"Dare!" Eunae grunted rolling her eyes. She was cussing herself internally for accepting Yena's invitation to go clubbing on a weekend evening. And most importantly agreeing to play truth or dare was the worst influenced decision she had ever made.

Because of which, she had to dance on the dancefloor holding the pole as her first dare. And choosing the Truth now seemed like an out of option as she didn't want to answer the question Yena threw at her. A question that was a threat to bring her secrets out and reveal her plans.

In no way is she allowing her plans that's finally going smoothly as she wanted, to get ruined by her own stupidity. She'd rather dance on the dancefloor and get wasted in the club than to dig a grave for her company that's resuscitating now.

"Uhm you sure about that eonnie?" Yena eyed at Eunae who was already drunk. Yet the elder lady nodded sighing whilst holding her dizzy head.

Understanding that Ms Cha has no plans to bite her bait, the young one scanned the club thinking what she can dare her elder to do. Right then, a tall, well built man in his black suits with a shiny ornament around his waist, crossed their table making his way to the VIP lounge from where the girls came out to play the game.

A devilish smirk grew on her lips while she glanced at the drunk girl seated in front of her. 'Either you bite my bait or I make you do so.' She thought and chuckled evilly. "Ahuh eonnie, you saw that man who just crossed our table?" Yena questioned in her oh-so sweet voice.

"Huh?Which man?" Eunae blinked blankly. Obviously she missed the guy while she was busy holding her spinning head and trying her best not to feel drunk already. "Well he just went into the VIP lounge over there." She spoke pointing her index at the direction where the said lounge was at.

Eunae furrowed her eyebrows and turned her head around to look at the pointed direction wondering which one Yena was pointing at.

The current drunk state she was in, everything seemed so alien for mind to recognize. "I dare you to go get his belt from him. Black leathered, nicely polished, golden buckle with white stones studded to make the english letters N and J on it." Yena's voice said making Eunae's head snap at her in shock.

"A-ask him for his be-belt?" She blinked while the young one nodded smiling. "Or you could just say truth and answer my question eonnie." She smirked, getting cocky about how she cornered Eunae to spill her secret she was trying so hard to hide despite her drunk state.

Eunae scoffed a laugh at the girl."You do know that a girl asking a man for his belt in a club could be taken as being suggestive in odd ways right?" Eunae raised her eyebrow.

Somehow the dare made her feel less drunk and she was even more attentive to notice the subtle actions and body language of the young one. It wasn't the usual villainess attitude because of jealousy, rather it was of cunningly scheming.

"Well......I dont know." Yena traced her finger on the glass in front of her staring at the liquid.

"But yet again I never forced you to do the dare eonnie. You can still choose to answer me honestly you know." Yena taunted Eunae and this got on every single nerves in the eldest body.

"Fine!" Eunae banged the table standing up. "Black belt, golden buckle with NJ it is, right?" She raised an eyebrow at the young one who looked surprised at her move. 'Well of course, you wouldn't have expected me to be so daring yeah little fox.' Eunae thought poking her cheek with her tongue.

She turned her heels around once she was confident she wouldn't stagger her way there. Taking in a breath closing her eyes, her fingers curled into a fist.

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