★𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔𝟓★

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Walburga met his gaze, her eyes showing a mix of familiar sorrow and regret. "Okay."

They both knew that eyes would be on them tonight, they also knew just how much attention the Family received should anyone get the wrong impression of the perfect Noble House of Black.

Each member of the family bore the responsibility of upholding the legacy, a legacy built on centuries of tradition, power, and a staunch commitment to Pureblood values.

A single whisper of scandal, a hint of discord, could reverberate through the echelons of wizarding society, tarnishing the Black family's standing and jeopardizing alliances carefully forged over generations.

The sound of someone arriving via the floo network made both husband and wife put on their masks.

Walburga's posture straightened, and her countenance assumed an air of regal poise. She swept a strand of raven hair behind her ear, the perfect picture of a Pureblood matriarch.

Orion, too, adjusted his demeanor, the weariness in his eyes momentarily hidden behind a façade of indifference.

As the guest stepped into the room, the finely orchestrated performance of the Black family unfolded.

"Father, you are the first to arrive." Her voice was calm and collected as her father stood before her. He had grown older and seldom made contact with either her or Alphard unless it was necessary.

Pollux Black, the first patriarch of the prestigious Black family, surveyed the room with a discerning eye, and a haughty look on his face.

"I had to ensure you wouldn't muddy our pristine record of hosting."

Walburga maintained her composure, nodding subtly. "Rest assured, Father, everything will proceed as planned."

Pollux Black's eyes scrutinized her, his expression revealing a mix of skepticism and reservation. "The Black name has endured for centuries. Do not be the one to tarnish it, Walburga."

She met his gaze with a determined nod. "I understand, Father. The Black legacy is of utmost importance."

Orion, who had been standing behind her nearly rolled his eyes before speaking up, "It is nice to see you uncle."

Pollux Black acknowledged Orion with a curt nod. "Orion."

His gaze shifted back to Walburga, the lines on his face showed how much he had aged. There was a moment in time wherein she and her father would enjoy each other's company, long before her marriage to Orion. It would be a lie to say she didn't miss having conversations with him about things other than the family.

"Where are the boys then?" He asked, though by the tone of his voice, he didn't care for his grandsons.

"They are upstairs, both taking short naps before the festivities."

Pollux Black nodded with a hint of satisfaction. "Good. Keep them out of sight until the proper moment."

She nodded in response, understanding the importance of adhering to the stringent expectations of their pure-blood society.

Orion, ever mindful of the delicate dynamics within the family, took a subtle step forward and offered Pollux Black a glass of wine.

"Why don't we catch up in my study uncle, I am sure there is much to discuss."

Pollux Black accepted the glass with a nod, casting a final glance at Walburga before allowing himself to be led away.

She barely had time to recollect herself before someone else had arrived through the floor network.

The Tragedy of Walburga BlackWhere stories live. Discover now