One. Two. Three. Die

Start from the beginning



The sound of machine guns echoed through the alleys, vibrations shaking through their bodies. Battling flashbacks from France, they maintained composure, deciding to retaliate.

John peeked over a wall to witness Tommy snap out of his frozen state, mindlessly throwing himself into the line of bullets. Horror painted John's face, his eyes and mouth wide open, screaming expletives at his brother. Arthur followed John's gaze, horror mirrored in his eyes.

They leaped into action, ready to protect their brother, firing at the men in front of them as the alley turned into a chaotic battlefield.


"Anna!" Polly snapped her fingers in front of Anna's face, trying to pull her back to reality.

But it wasn't that easy. The world around Anna seemed to blur, a distant hum enveloping her. She saw Polly's fingers and hands waving, glimpsed the movement of her lips, but the words felt like echoes from a faraway dream.

Soon, her legs betrayed her as well, knees buckling, letting her crumple to the ground.

"Fuck me!" Polly screamed, lunging forward to catch Anna before she met the cold floor. "Ada, help me with her!" she called desperately toward Ada, whose breath came in heavy gasps, head buried in trembling hands.

"Ada!" she screamed, pulling her back to reality. She swiftly grabbed on Anna's arm, helping Polly carry her into a seat.

"Harry! Bring us some water" Ada shouted, stroking Anna's hair as Polly held her head up from falling.

Polly shot her a pointed look. "What are you gonna do with water?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Ada huffed, "I'm a trained nurse" she sneered, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for Harry.

Rolling her eyes, Polly decided not to comment on it.

With a grunt, Ada snatched a glass of water from Harry's shaky hand, abruptly throwing it at Anna's face. The water cascaded over Anna, jolting her back to consciousness.

"Really?" Polly wrinkled her forehead.

Before she could respond gentle cry from Anna interrupted her.

"You see?" she smirked at Polly smugly before kneeling down beside Anna.

Shaking her head, Polly did the same, both women holding her hands.

"What... what happened?" Anna mumbled, confusion clouding her thoughts. But panic replaced confusion as she realized what's going on.

"Calm down," Polly raised her voice firmly, causing Anna to freeze with a bewildered look.

"Luca is dead, not Tommy," she clarified, shooting a glare over her shoulder at Harry, who nervously smiled in response.

"At least we hope so" Ada added, causing both of them stab her with their eyes.

"What?" she shrugged, "we don't have any information about Tommy and Arthur yet. Isaiah only mentioned seeing John." Ada sprung to her feet, pacing nervously while ranting.

"Someone's coming" Harry shouted, turning towards a door.

Anna's heart skipped a beat, praying that it's Tommy, safe and sound. The three of them hurried towards Harry, anticipation building as they waited for the door to swing open and reveal the ones they were desperately waiting for.

The tension was thick and heavy, each passing second feeling like hours. If there was a way to speed up time, they'd have used it instantly.

When the door finally flew open, their mouths dropped in disbelief.

John and Arthur stumbled in, holding each other around their shoulders, barely able to stand. Blood covered most of their bodies, leaking down from wounds. Their clothes were torn and dirty, and their faces were scrunched in pain.

With a gasp, Polly and Ada rushed towards them, assisting them into chairs. Yet, Anna found herself frozen, hot tears streaming down her cheek as the realization hit that Tommy was not there. He must have died.

Ada diligently worked on their wounds, disregarding their groans. Polly stole a glance at Anna, noticing her worry mirrored in her own. Tommy was not there and she was too scared to ask about him.

"Where is he?" Anna stormed towards them, her voice breaking as she sobbed.

Arthur looked up at her, wincing, "he, he" he hissed in pain as Ada touched his chest, "he got shot" stopping to take a breathe, he sighed and continued, "multiple times"

"What?" she screamed, her vision blurry from crying.

"He's in a hospital," John added, glaring angrily at Arthur for prolonging the unnecessary agony.

Without waiting for more information, Anna dashed out of the pub into the dimly lit streets of Small Heath, urgently making her way to the hospital.

She didn't care about her feet, the heels on her shoes, or grabbing her coat. All she wanted was to get to Tommy and ensure he's okay. He had to be okay.

Losing him now was not an option, not after all they went through.

Gangster's Heart // Tommy Shelby fanficWhere stories live. Discover now