Level 19

404 11 3

When Arjun regained consciousness he tried opening his eyes, he opened his eyes but what did he see? 

Nothing! It was all black! 

Was he tied? No, he was sitting on a soft bed he could feel it. But why couldn't see anything?

Arjun became restless, he tried to feel the room. 

The room had a pleasant smell, he tripped over a table, and he felt like there was a couch, bed and tiled floor.  

"Where am I? What happened to me? Why can't I see anything? Is this room so dark? Or my eyes are tied?" He was so confused about what was happening. 

" ARJUN KASHYAP" He heard his name being called. 

" Who is that? What is happening around me?"  Arjun asked bluntly without showing any emotions.  

" Don't panic Kashyup, I let you out once you answer my questions" The voice said. 

" What do you want? Why can't I see anything? Turn on the lights"

" The lights are all on, only you cannot see it! (Cackle) Anyway, now you are happy after getting united with the love of your life!" The voice laughed.  

" Kutte kee tatti kya bol raha hu tum? Chutia, turn on the lights!" Arjun shouted with frustration. 

( You dog shit what are you saying? F*cker turn on the lights!)

" Shout whatever you want, but nothing is going to happen until you answer my questions!" The voice said. 

" What the hell do you want?" 

" Tell me how is your love?  Your Yaazhini?" The voice asked.

A moment of silence prevailed there...

" My Yaazhini? Do you know where my Yaazhini is?" Arjun had tears by now, this was the first time he had heard something about Yaazhini without him doing anything. 

A few seconds of silence prevailed there which killed Arjun.

" Do they know about my Yaazhini?" 

" Tell me, tell me! Where is my Yaazhini?" Arjun sobbed. 

" You don't know where is Yaazhini?" The voice asked with a hint of doubt. 

" You madarch*d!(Mother f*cker) Why would I ask you if I know where she was?" He yelled in frustration. '

" Why did you bring me here, why are asking about Yaazhini? Do you know her or where she is?" 

" Then who is the woman you are with?" The voice asked with anger. 

" Woman I am with?" Arjun frowned. 

" Yes, the women. Sakthi, what are you doing with her?" The voice asked with the same anger. 

" You mistook Sakthi for Yaazhini? You are searching for her? why? Who are you?"  Arjun  asked shocked. 

Arjun didn't hear anything after that. He kept on shouting but he could hear no other sound. He didn't know how much time had passed, loosing his energy he sat down leaning onto something. 

Soon he smelt something and was out once again. 


" Hello, Arav?" 

" Hey, Sakthi. You have called me? Anything special?" He asked smiling. 

" Nothing big, but yeah I've been trying to reach Arjun from yesterday night but couldn't. It's already six (evening) and Arjun hadn't come to meet Maya. She is asking for him, I thought he is busy but then I wanted to atleast speak with him" Sakthi said worried as Maya kept asking for Arjun. 

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