Level 8

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"No, I don't think I've seen her..." Arjun muttered slowly.

Tears streamed down Yaazhini's cheeks as she dashed out of the room, her steps faltering with every heart-wrenching realization that pierced her. She couldn't believe the words she'd just heard from Arjun, she believed him. Even when his friend himself told her not to be so close to him, she believed in Arjun because she understood him.

 But what happened? 

Jeevan who noticed all this commotion from afar, walked towards Arjun, who stood there with confused emotions. 

" She trusted you, Arjun. Even if you hadn't recognized her as a friend, you could have treated her like a fellow human being and let her have her respect! You know what she said when I asked her to stay away from you?" Jeevan asked, disappointed. 

" Jeevan, I think he just needs someone who will love him and pamper him; he yearns for it."  This is what she said. You know what? She deserved this; she deserved to know her place. You are a very good friend, Arjun!" Jeevan patted his shoulder with a sad smile and ran from there to find Yaazhini. 

Yaazhini was near their car, she sat down crying. 

" Yaazhu..."  Jeevan said, squatting near her. It was enough for her lean onto his chest and sob 

" I thought he was my friend! He said I was special to him." How could he? She cried hard. 

" I don't know, Yaazhu. What your relationship was or how close you guys were. But even if he hadn't considered you as a friend, at least as a human, he could have stopped others from hurting you, but he didn't! Please, Yaazhu he doesn't deserve your care or tears. Stand up; let's leave from here."  Jeevan made her sit inside the car. 

" Yaazhu, no more tears from you. I already regret introducing you guys. I feel like shit! Cry until you want, but when we reach home, I should not see even a single tear from your eyes!" He said and started the car, but he didn't directly drive to their house; he kept driving around to give her some time to overcome this. 

You might feel why Yaazhini is overreacting. though they were not friends for years, but it was almost a month, and he behaved so dependently on her. She already had a crush on him, and now that he has created a soft corner in her heart, she couldn't withstand that Arjun let others humiliate her. 

Didn't he say she was special?

The words kept echoing in her ears; she was not a very bold person, and when the girl insulted her in front of so many people, she really had to contemplate if she was really cheap. 

" Did I get the wrong message from him? Wasn't he my friend? Wasn't he? Then why?"  She thought. 

" He doesn't deserve your care or tears!" Jeevan said once again.

" I don't know Jeevan. Maybe I am overreacting?" She trailed off.  Jeevan frowned at her. 

" Jeevan, let's go home. I just want to sleep now!" She said she was wiping her face with the wipes they had in the car. 

" Are you sure?" Jeevan asked, not knowing what to say. 

" Yes, I am. Please don't tell any of these to Alan." Yaazhiibi requested. 

"But, ho..." Yaazhini interrupted him. 

" No, Jeevan. I don't want him to know. Please respect my decision if you believe in me." She shut him up with her words. 

Then they reached their home. Though Alan felt something off, Yaazhini whined that she was tired, which cleared his doubt. 

Closing her door, she leaned on the door silently and cried, clutching the gift she had bought for him. There was a knock on her door, and she panicked. 

His Lost FairyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin