Level 18

380 14 0

It's been a week since Arjun and Maya started spending time together. 

Arjun has become close to Nithin and Shivashini as he visited them regularly. No one had expected Maya and Arjun's closeness. 

Whenever Arjun got a break he would video-call Maya and speak to her, In the evening he either goes to their home to spend time with her and they along with Nithin go to the park down from their apartment and play there. 

Much to Arjun's delight, even Maya calls him Junnu. When he first heard it from her, he literally cried. 


It was a sunny afternoon Arjun was behind Maya to make her drink the pomegranate juice, she was adamant about getting an ice cream instead. 

It was never the same with Sakthi, Maya never threw tantrums, and she was an understanding kid but with Arjun she was something else she was demanding, stubborn and crazy like any other kid. 

When Sakthi heard it from Geetha, she was so hurt because Maya had never been like this to her, never demanded her anything nor had she thrown any tantrums. It hurt Sakthi a lot. 

Was I not a good mother? She was questioning her a lot! 

" Maya, you are my Shona (Gold) right? Come on drink this..." He was pleading as she ran around the nursery in the research building. 

" NO, NO! I need Ice cream..." 

" Okay, let's make a deal. Drink this juice now, let us wait for mumma and we will go have ice cream while going back home, okay?" He tried convincing her. 

" Maya Promise?"

" Maya Promise!" He promised. 

She ran to him and hugged him. 

" You are my favourite, Junnuuuuu!" She squealed and kissed his cheeks. 

Arjun froze for a moment, Maya had addressed him as uncle after Sakthi had scolded and told her not to call with his name. 

" Baby, what did you call me?" Arjun asked tears forming in his eyes. 

" Junnuu..." 

" Why?" He asked still surprised. 

" Because uncles are not cool like you are. So I will call you Junnu..." She grinned and drank her juice not knowing about the havoc of emotions she created in his heart. 

That day he hugged her like life depended on her. It gave him hope that he would find his Yaazhini somehow. 


" Guddu, I don't know where you are, but I will find you. I know I made a mistake but not anymore I know how to cherish our loved ones." He speaks to her picture like every night he does. 

If someone came to know about his behavior they'd admit him to an asylum but that's how he is now. 

" Wait! The university is not giving any details but a private hospital can right?"  Something clicked in his mind. 

He took his phone and called the investigator who was trying to find Yaazhini. 

" Hello, Mathew. I remembered something..."

" About Yaazhini mam?" He asked as Arjun had talked only about Yaazhini to him making him also go mad. 

" Yes! The university doesn't give out the details! But a private hospital can right?" Arjun asked the same thing to Mathew. 

His Lost Fairyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें