Remnants of the Great War

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Day 29 Month 6 Year 1643 Central Calendar

"It won't be long, Lady Leica, Lady Ilx."

"Aah, long time no see."

"About two years... I think."

Sky above the Millicent Continent, Central World

On a day with few clouds and calm weather, a passenger-type Floating Ship of the Heavens flew in the sky. Looking out of the window were the heroes of Irnetia, Leica Lourintier and Ilx. Watching over them with warm eyes was a big man with blue skin, Moriaul, the noble from the Kingdom of Emor in charge of diplomacy. While he watched with what could be described as a (pleasant) smile, every time the "limbless left arm and left leg" came into view, he would grit his teeth. It was the frustration of having put Leica in such a state and anger towards the culprit, Gra Valkas. In addition, Leica's current state was the reason why the two were on this plane.

The Third Naval Battle of Irnetia inflicted deep wounds on both Gra Valkas and the World Alliance, and among those lost was Leica's left hand and leg. Although a special prosthetic is currently under development in Mirishial, until it is completed she will have to use a wheelchair to get around, and of course riding a dragon is out of the question for her. Although Leica seemed to have a smiling surface, there was still a shadow somewhere in it.

Moriaul naturally felt pained by this situation and made a proposal to the two.

"By the way, what kind of place is this Valmut Hot Springs that we're heading to?"

"Oh, I haven't explained that yet."

Yes, it's a hot spring cure.

Leica, who didn't know much about the hot springs in Emor they were heading to, asked Moriaul.

"Valmut Hot Springs is a spring located in the corner of Mount Accent in the Valmut Region. It is said to have been created by the Divine Dragon Bahamut using his divine power in ancient times. The spring is not far from Dragusmakira and rich in magical elements that can enhance the self-healing abilities of those who bathe in its emerald green waters."

"What!? A hot spring!?"

"Whoa, this Bahamut seems amazing."

"Yes. Lord Bahamut was one of the three superior dragons entitled as the 'Three Dragons,' bestowed during the time of the Dragon Sorcery War. During that war, despite passing on the position to the younger generation due to his decline, he bravely fought against the large forces of the Ravernal Empire and defeated most of them to leave behind such a tale," Moriaul proudly recounted the ancestral tales.

As Moriaul said, the Valmut Hot Springs was a spring created by Bahamut's power, and its emerald green water was said to contain abundant magical elements, increasing the self-healing ability of creatures that entered it. Its efficacy was widely known in the central world, and even royalty from various nations would visit for treatment. It's said that Mirishial VIII also visited once...

Anyway, Moriaul invited the two to this proud hot spring of Emor.

Emor doesn't have an airport. Therefore, to travel to Emor using a plane, one must first land at Mirishial's airport and then take an overland route from there. This group was no exception, and the aircraft carrying them landed at Gundacarl Airport, located near the northern border of Mirishial and Emor. From there, they transferred to a magic-powered vehicle and entered Emor.

With intermittent breaks along the way, the journey by car took about 10 hours before arriving at Emor's capital, Dragon City Dragusmakira. Their first order of business was an audience with the Dragon King, Wagdran.

The Mighty Divine Dragon Ilxजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें