A Certain Mass-Produced Demon King's Disaster (Part 2)

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Balloon Plain, Magicaraich Community

"Deployment preparations for the 2nd Artillery Battalion have been completed!"

"Deployment preparations for the 13th Infantry Battalion have been completed!"

Upon hearing the reports from the messengers, Ruigiel nodded in satisfaction.

"We will completely destroy that tower with artillery bombardment along with the monsters inside!"

Countless 75 mm field guns turned toward the target tower. The target, appearing suddenly in the forest about 50 kilometers away from the capital, was an unidentified tower speculated to be the remains of the Sorcerous Empire. It had emerged when creatures, assumed to be related to the Sorcerous Empire, invaded from the remnants of another Sorcerous Empire's site located even further away.

"All units are ready to fire."

"Alright. Now, everyone, witness the power of our country... FIRE!!!"

"All cannons, open fire!!!"

The next moment, a thunderous noise shook the surroundings as numerous cannons deployed in the unit simultaneously fired. Countless projectiles accurately headed towards the tower, hitting it. The tower disappeared from view, concealed by the intense explosions.

"Reload for the next round!!"


Compared to the muzzle-loading types, the breech-loading cannons were faster to reload. This 75 mm field gun could fire up to 15 rounds per minute. Explosions shook the air with each successive hit.

"...? What's wrong...?"


Meanwhile, while absentmindedly watching the explosions, Ilx's hand tightened. Turning around, he noticed Aldena, who had closed her eyes and was trembling slightly. Upon closer inspection, her complexion looked pale. Then, she realized.

"Cease fire!!"

"The power of so many of those is incredible..."


Momota and Jōjima marveled. Although accustomed to artillery fire through training, they had never experienced continuous firing on this scale. Anyway, the bombardment was interrupted for an effectiveness assessment, and the smoke began to clear.


What lay before them was a completely different scene from what they had imagined. The surrounding trees were all uprooted, but instead of being shattered, the tower, supposed to be in pieces, appeared even cleaner than before, with the surface soil and vines removed.

"Captain, is that..."

"Yeah. Even with a bombardment of that level, if it remains unscathed... I don't know if the Type 90's 120-millimeter will work."

Cold sweat dripped down their foreheads. The mission they thought was easy was starting to show signs of difficulty.

For a moment, silence fell on the battlefield. However, as soon as Ruigiel regained his composure, he once again ordered the bombardment— or attempted to.

"Monsters are emerging in large numbers from the tower!!" a soldier on watch reported. "They are... Goblins!"

Ruigiel also aimed his binoculars and confirmed their presence. Goblins, with slightly different skin colors than usual, were equipped with armor, swords, and shields, running out while making strange noises. Ruigiel, however, showed no fear at that sight.

The Mighty Divine Dragon IlxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora