Operation Leifor Liberation: The Last City, Railling

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Day 12 Month 6 Year 1643 Central Calendar

"Enemy soldiers inside the building on the left front! Lilya, please be careful!"

"I know! You too, don't miss your shots, okay!?"

"I know...!"

Surrounded by forests to the west, rivers to the south, and mountains to the north and east, Railling, the second-largest city of Leifor, is located 450 kilometers east of Leiforia. Between the forests to the west lies the Almai Plains, where the Gra Valkas Empire established a fortress and turned the entire city into a base. However, the underground fortress Ratte Almai has fallen. The obstacles have disappeared, and the Mirishial-Mu forces were heading straight for Railling.

The city was now holed up with Gra Valkan troops. The Railling garrison had already been destroyed by aerial attacks, and surviving soldiers had entered the urban combat. While military facilities like fortresses and bases can be mercilessly bombed by the Alliance, attacking a city is a different story. As a result, urban warfare has occurred, just as the Gra Valkans had anticipated, although the form it takes may differ from their expectations.



A young man fired on a window, hitting the body of a Gra Valkan soldier hiding there, and broke through the building.

Currently, in this city, a pair riding a broom weaved between buildings, flying around. Lilya, an Agarthan mage, and Vilius, a soldier of the Holy Mirishial Empire, were flying to sweep away enemies inside buildings. While more wasteful in mana consumption than wyverns, these small brooms have the agility that proved to be useful in urban warfare.

"Huh!? W-waaaaaaaagh!!?"


The absurd appearance of a man and a woman riding a broom momentarily startled the Gra Valkan soldiers inside. Without missing that moment, Lilya impaled the soldier's throat with the tip of her broom, and Vilius shot the head of the other soldier with his pistol. Finally, Vilius fired at the soldier who was clutching his throat and struggling to deliver the finishing blow and conclude the room clearing for the time being.

"Close your eyes! Spirits of light, answer my call!"

The loud sound of breaking glass was heard, and Gra Valkan soldiers rushed down the corridor. Sensing their approach, Lilya held her broom in both hands and started chanting. Then, as Vilius closed his eyes, the door opened with a loud noise—




—A violent flash of light was emitted from the tip of the broom, blinding the Gra Valkan soldiers.

Taking advantage of their vulnerability as they covered their eyes, Vilius unsheathed a knife and slashed their throats. The enemies crumbled on the spot and remained motionless after convulsing for a while.

Then, the two left the room and moved to another. After several similar encounters, they reached a particular room. Separated by the door of that room, the two exchanged glances a few times. They cautiously opened the door slightly to assess the situation.


The next moment, with deafening gunfire, multiple holes appeared in the door. If they had opened it casually, they would have been killed in an instant. Seeing this, Lilya signaled Vilius to cover his ears, chanted quietly, and generated a high-pitched sound. Despite covering their ears, the sound is still audible. As the muffled groans came from inside, Vilius entered and shot several Gra Valkan soldiers who held their ears, ending their lives.

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