1641 Central Calendar | Naval Battle of Irnetia (Part 1)

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This is the first Ilx.

- Duan


—Far in the past, in an era known as the age of gods, a time referred to as the Age of Myths. This world was ruled by two mighty nations.

On one side, there was a nation whose wicked deeds echoed into the present day, a country also known as the Ancient Sorcerous Empire, the Ravernal Empire. This nation, possibly considered invaders from another world, had not been able to dominate the entire world for a long time.

Why? The reason lies in the other part of the two nations mentioned earlier.

This nation, aside from its technological prowess, was supported at its core by a certain existence.

The name of that existence is—


Day 14 Month 3 Year 1641 Central Calendar

Kingdom of Irnetia, a country outside the Second Civilization Area



Irnetia Island, with an area similar to Hokkaidō and located to the west of the Second Civilization Area, holds the Kingdom of Irnetia, a country located outside the civilization areas. On the outskirts of the kingdom's capital, Kirclus, two girls were arguing about something in a house. Behind them, two knights and an old woman were watching with bated breath.

One of the arguing girls, despite being 17 years old, had a somewhat childish air about her. Her name was Leica, and she had gained attention for being the first girl to ride a wind dragon since the foundation of the kingdom. She was currently desperately trying to persuade the other girl.

And then there's the other girl.

Taller than Leica and even the knights present, she had a feminine and well-proportioned figure. Long silvery hair that reached her waist, beautiful amethyst-colored eyes, long ears resembling elves, and fair skin to match. Up to this point, she didn't differ much from an ordinary elf. What set her apart were the two horns emerging from her head, a pair of wings on her back, a 1,5-meter-long tail covered in beautiful silvery scales extending from her lower back to her buttocks, and a crest drawn on her forehead, currently hidden by her hair.

This girl, with a body closer to a dragon than the dragonfolk, was named Ilx. She was currently in the process of persuading Leica, although their directions were opposite.

Now, what exactly were they arguing about? To explain that, we first need to talk about the current situation within and outside the Second Civilization Area.

Several years ago, Leifor, the fifth among the world's five major nations, collectively known as the "Superpowers," met its demise. The one responsible was the suddenly emerging nation, the Gra Valkas Empire. This nation declared war on the entire Second Civilization Area, and day by day, nations outside the civilization zone were being stomped one after another.

Then, in Month 1 of this year, the Empire demanded submission from Irnetia as a colony. At that time, they managed to delay giving a response, but today it has come again. King Iltis XIII naturally refused, and the kingdom entered a state of war. However, the disparity in weaponry was overwhelming, and the defensive fleet of Doiva, which had set out, was annihilated by just one enemy ship. The bustling port city of Doiva, as lively as the capital, was reduced to ashes under naval bombardment.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the military ordered the wyvern riders to deploy. In such circumstances, it was impossible to overlook the powerful force of the wind dragon, and that's why they have come to request participation in the battle.

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