Magic Battleship Grade Atlastar!?

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After visiting the captured Gra Valkas Empire's warships at Doiva, the delegation returned to Kirclus. At that time, they also brought back the radar removed from the destroyer for analysis. The Holy Mirishial Empire is a magical civilization. Although the radar created by nonmagical technology may seem meaningless to bring back, Belluno insisted on taking it.

And then, time passed in the blink of an eye and they were at the airfield.

"Lady Leica."


Just before boarding the Guernica, Moriaul called out to Leica who had come to see him off. In light of the events so far (semi-stalking behavior), her impression of Moriaul was at its worst. It was only natural that her voice would be lower.

However, the words that followed were enough to brighten her feelings.

"Your country is under invasion by some barbarians called Grasomething. It is our mission as the descendants of Infidragoon to protect the land where the Divine Dragon resides. When I return to my homeland, let's discuss sending the wind dragon riders to your country."

"...Huh, whaaat!!?"

He said it with an expression as if it were a matter of course. The wind dragons are the world's strongest aerial force. Wyverns, would give up their heads after just being stared at by the wind dragons, and even the Mirishial floating ships of the heavens couldn't defeat them.

Is this truly an elite military force being dispatched to defend Irnetia?

"Is, is it okay?"

"Of course."

"Aah... aah... t-thank you very much."

He wasn't just a pervert. She reconsidered her evaluation of him. Originally, revealing in the broadcast that Ilx is a Divine Dragon was an act to attract the Kingdom of Emor's attention. However, what she sought was simply the fact that the third most powerful nation was paying attention to this country, and she didn't expect Emor to directly support them. The dragonfolk were prideful and would never send their military power to a country ruled by humans unless it was an invasion.

In other words, Iltis XIII and Leica had underestimated how special the Divine Dragon was to the dragonfolk. After all, there are stories of inter-species marriages between Divine Dragons and dragonfolks released every year in Emor. Moriaul's favorite reading material is also one of those. However, from now on, there will likely be "same-sex relationships" in inter-species marriage stories.

"...Also, Lady Leica."


"Your enemy is a country that defeated Leifor. Naturally, their aerial force is likely stronger than wyvern lords. Don't you think it would be a heavy burden with just wyverns against such opponents?"

"W-well, certainly..."

The aerial force of the Kingdom of Irnetia consists of ordinary wyverns except for Ilx. Large firebirds are sometimes used for transporting goods, but they are slower than the wyverns and are not effective in battle. And what is mainly used in the civilized countries of the Central World is a stronger variant of the wyverns, the wyvern lords. With a maximum speed of 350 km/h, it is much faster than the ordinary species, and shooting it down is extremely difficult. Of course, even the powerful Leifor used wyvern lords, and the fact that they were defeated means... that's what it means. In fact, Leica who had fought against Gra Valkan fighter planes felt that they were clearly faster than the wyvern lords she had raced in the dragon race.

Ordinary wyverns would stand no chance against those fighters. She also felt that.

"I'll tell you something. With Lady Ilx's power as a Divine Dragon, we thought that maybe we could turn a certain dragon group that even we Emorish people couldn't tame into a fighting force."

The Mighty Divine Dragon IlxOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora