Urgent Quest! Capture the Lightning Dragon! (Part 3)

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This is when Leica and Ilx give 'correction' to some naughty lightning dragons.

- Duan


Ilx soared in a straight line, gracefully plunging into the flying lightning dragons. Her speed is astonishingly fast, covering a distance of about 700 meters in just a few seconds. The lightning dragons had sensed something nearby, but before they could react to the approaching presence, Ilx passed through the center of their flock and positioned herself directly above. A gust of wind caused the lightning dragons to lose their balance. In the midst of the chaos, the Ilx telepathically declared.


Provocative words.

Ilx intuitively understands that being assertive with such individuals is more effective than being diplomatic. That's why she deliberately emphasized her status as a Divine Dragon.

If they follow willingly, that's great, but both Ilx and Leica knew that they were not dealing with beings of that kind.

"HAAAH!? Dafuq are you, brat!? Ya think strolling around and talking mad shit is free here!? Are ya taunting us!?"

"Fuckin' audacity... go die!!!"

Most of them were furious and were fueled by rage.

"Did she say Divine Dragon?"

"She's dangerous, right? Incredibly fast, too."

There are a few dragons calmly assessing the situation, but they are a minority.

"It seems impossible... well then, let's proceed with the plan."


Despite this, Leica calmly decided to continue with the strategy.

Beneath them, countless lightning dragons were approaching in a seemingly furious manner. Most of them have their mouths open, gathering some kind of light. As expected.

Laika tightened her grip on the net and pulled hard. In response, Ilx started a rapid descent. As a result, the accumulated light becomes even stronger.

Soon, lightning emanated from their mouths. Seventeen bolts in total. Even for a skilled rider, avoiding this attack would be impossible, and they would turn into charcoal along with their partners.

"Fold wings at 3:16, 128 centimeters."

However, just before the attack, Leica issued instructions, and she pulled the net connected to Ilx who executed the maneuver accurately.

Immediately afterward, a barrage of lightning passes through the space where they were. As the light engulfed them, the lightning dragons, while Moriaul and Wagdran who observed through the binoculars screamed.



"You got to be kidding!?"

Something passed through the gap between the lightning dragons.

It was Ilx, who should have died just now. Leica was riding on her back, and both were unharmed.

"How are you still alive!?"

"Your lightning attacks only travel in a straight line. If they don't hit, then there's no problem, right?"

"T-that's impossible...!!"

The fact that their full-force attack was evaded severely wounded the pride of the lightning dragons. In response, as if to compensate for that, they collectively launched themselves at the two—

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