After 10.000 Years

38 3 0

Day 17 Month 1 Year 1643 Central Calendar

Kingdom of Irnetia, Second Civilization Area

One night had passed since the end of the greatest operation in history, the Third Naval Battle of Irnetia. The citizens rejoice that the crisis has passed, and the military personnel, some celebrating their survival, while others mourn the loss of their comrades—a time of mixed emotions.

"Heave-ho! Heave-ho!"

On the sandy shores spreading in the southwest of Irnetia Island, the voices of these men could be heard, and then a black dragon descended upon the sands.

"Well, things have gotten quite interesting."

"Sir Antilles! Can we help you with something?"

"Oh, nothing. This guy was just too insistent on flying."


Descending from the back of the leightning dragon is a man. He is Graf Antilles, the commander of the Irnetian Lightning Dragon Force. When asked by the man present, he grinned and points to his mount, Leaves. Being pointed at, the dragon turned away without saying a word.

"Even though we flew so much yesterday. It's exhausting, you know."

"Lies. You wanted to fly just as badly, didn't you?"

"...Yeah, sure."

"Don't show us those things again."

As he spoke, the scene they witnessed yesterday came to their minds.

—Those girls defeated the enemies they were struggling against just a moment ago. In the blink of an eye, every single enemy plane was destroyed. The Divine Dragon is truly amazing, on a different level, unbeatable. They had been made well aware of that. That's why they couldn't afford to rest.

"I see. I could expect nothing less from Leica and Ilx."

"Yeah... By the way, is this the one?"

"Yes. I'm still counting, but how many of them are there...?"

The man gazed at the sandy beach.

There, countless sea monster carcasses have washed ashore. They vary in size and type, but sea monsters, in general, are highly intelligent beings, so such scenes are rare and extraordinary. Now, the men are dragging one of them. The giant sea monster, filled with water, is heavy, and even with the help of powerful beastmen, it's a struggle to move it slowly.

Why are there so many sea monsters washed ashore? There is a reason for that.

During yesterday's naval battle, Leica used her authority to instruct sea monsters to carry survivors to the island. Following orders, the sea monsters tried to fulfill their mission even after landing on the shallows, and as a result, many of them exhausted their strength and perished. It may seem a bit cruel, but considering the number of aquatic creatures beyond this point that have died from underwater explosions, sympathy is not easily aroused. Additionally, a considerable number of soldiers have been devoured by these creatures. There was not much sympathy to spare.

"So, what do we do with those? Eat them?"

"Oh, hell no. Unless you want to get poisoned by magical elements. No matter how much we have a cure, I don't want to risk eating it on purpose."

"That makes sense," Antilles laughed.

Degenerate magical toxicity. This disease that once took the lives of heroes in the mythical era is not as feared in modern times. However, just because there's an antidote doesn't mean anyone would be eager to eat poisonous mushrooms. It's the same principle. By the way, the same magical creatures like lightning dragons and wyverns can be eaten. However, unlike wyverns, lightning dragons don't have a master-servant relationship with them; they are in an equal partnership. They couldn't be used for disposal, for instance.

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