Third Naval Battle of Irnetia (Part 1) ③

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Back to the present day, coinciding with the moment when Leica and Ilx sank the enemy carriers. At the same time, a single Pal Chimera was flying in the southeast skies off the coast of Irnetia Island. The target, of course, was the approaching enemy fleet from that direction. This was detected by the fleet—the 3rd Vanguard Fleet. Similar to the 2nd Vanguard Fleet, they instructed the aircraft units not to approach and requested an attack from the Super-Heavy Bombing Squadron.

"The aircraft formation launched from the enemy fleet is taking a course to avoid this ship."


And, just like the first unit, someone sensed it. In response, Colmed, who was responsible for ship operation and technical supervision, said something similar.

"They must be afraid of us. There's no need to worry. It's just an outdated sailing ship sinking," he said with a somewhat contemptuous tone.

The fleet behind consisted of warships from various civilized nations, all ships of the line. There was no way such a fleet could withstand an attack from the Gra Valkan planes.

However, Meteos Roguerider, the ship's captain, said to him, "...Strange, isn't it?"

"...? What do you mean, sir?"

"This situation, Colmed. We have yet to make contact with even recon planes."


He placed his hand on his chin, continuing to speak while appearing lost in thought.

"People fear the unknown. But at the same time, they're creatures that can't resist trying to know that unknown."

"So, it's strange that not a single aircraft has approached, right?"

"First of all, this is a battlefield. This battleship doesn't have a radar jamming function like the Divine Dragon. The enemy's anti-air radar should clearly show an unknown reaction with a diameter of 260 meters. Not trying to know anything in such a situation is either a considerable fool or..."

When he finished saying that, a mage who was observing the anti-air magic electromagnetic radar announced in an emotionless voice, "Radar contact. Object approaching from the 10 o'clock direction. Altitude 5.000, speed 760, distance 130 nautical miles, numbering one hundred."

He looked up at that report and stared at the monitor.

"...It's only when it's known, not unknown. Activate the Super-Long Range Telephoto Mana Wave Detector and project the image of that enemy aircraft."

"Yes, sir."

With that instruction, the image of the approaching aircraft unit was displayed. The ancient technology that could vividly project the figure of an object hundreds of kilometers away clearly showed the appearance of the devil (Guti Maun) about to devour an angel (flying battleship).

The huge machine with six engines under its wings did not seem to be an aircraft that would fit at an altitude of around 5.000 meters.


"Look at that size..."

The faces on the bridge who watched the footage erupted in surprised hushes one after another.

Currently, the largest aircraft among the Holy Mirishial Empire's floating ships of the heavens is the passenger plane, the Guernica 35, with a length of 23 meters. Even the newly developed large bomber L-14, which has entered mass production after test flights, is only 32 meters. In contrast, the length of Guti Maun is 46 meters, approximately 1,5 times larger.

"Hmm, I don't know where the information leaked from, but it seems they've come up with countermeasures."

"C-countermeasures? Isn't this ship supposed to be invincible?"

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