1643 Central Calendar | Eve of the Battle ①

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Eve (I didn't say it was exactly the eve).

- Duan


Day 10 Month 12 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Cartalpas, Holy Mirishial Empire

"The fleet of the Kingdom of Agartha has arrived! 6 magic ships and 48 magic sailships!"

"The fleet of the Kingdom of Torquia has arrived! 82 magic ships of the line!"

On this day, eight months had passed since that unprecedented attack, and fleets from various Central World countries were arriving one after another in Cartalpas. Unlike the small fleets from the last time, these were genuine main fleets.

"What a spectacular sight."

"Yes, indeed. I never thought I'd witness such a sight in my lifetime... I thought I wouldn't see it unless the Sorcerous Empire resurrected."

The director of the port authority, Bronto, and his subordinate were having a conversation. Even they, who had seen fleets of the Eleven Countries Leadership Conference for many years, couldn't help but sigh at the scale of these fleets.

"Those magic ships, Iron-class, right... I heard they were sold."

"Will the day come when sailboats no longer line up here?"

"It's a sign of progress, but... I'll miss that."

"Yes. Sailing ships have their own charm, each in their own way."

The two discussed as they observed the six magic ships belonging to the Agarthan fleet.

They were called the Divine-class magic ships, modified from Iron-class magic gunboats sold by the Holy Mirishial Empire, and while their appearance hadn't changed much, they stood out significantly among the surrounding magic ships, which were still antiquated sailboats. However, their interiors were significantly modified by the Agarthans, allowing them to maximize the abilities of the mages. The magic engines they carried exceeded Agarthan standards, enabling them to continuously fire the Fleet-Class Grand Flash Magic, which consumed large amounts of mana.

"Three main fleets of the Empire, regional fleets, and the fleets from the Second Civilization Area will join, right? The total number of ships will exceed 600. With this many, those impudent bastards (GVE) will have their noses bloodied for sure!"

"That's right. It seems the time has finally come to smite them with divine judgment."

The fact that the Empire had prepared as many as 670 ships was not known to the general public. Therefore, they had no doubts about victory. They had won at Cartalpas once. That fact kept them from feeling uneasy.

"Set sail—!!!"

Fleets from various Central World countries and some countries that managed to gather from the Third Civilization Area had completed their assembly. Led by 40 ships from the Mirishial regional fleet, they would join forces with the fleets from the Second Civilization Area on the way and head to Irnetia Island via the northern route.

The moment of the decisive battle was approaching.


Day 29 Month 12 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Otaheit, capital of Mu

The coastline was bustling with many people eager to catch a glimpse of the large fleet assembled for this day. Perhaps families of military personnel, there were also those who shed tears out of anxiety.

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