Giant Military Port Doiva

27 3 0

Day 20 Month 6 Year 1642 Central Calendar

Kingdom of Irnetia, Second Civilization Area

"This place has certainly changed a lot."

The Kingdom of Irnetia is now officially part of the Second Civilization Area. General Nizuel muttered to himself as he observed the transformed port city of Doiva.

Once renowned as a beautiful city, Doiva had risen from the ashes at an unbelievable speed after being devastated by the artillery fire of the Grade Atlastar. With the intervention of powerful nations like the Holy Mirishial Empire, Mu, and the Kingdom of Emor, the city underwent rapid reconstruction and development. There's the matter of Emor and the Divine Dragon, Mirishial wanted to expand the magical civilization's influence in the Second Civilization Area where the nonmagical influence is strong, and Mu wanted to prevent that from happening. Despite these motives, Doiva had developed into an impressive naval port. Even a year after the beginning, the progress showed no signs of slowing down. The Mirishial Morion-class magic heavy transport ship, which had just arrived, was currently unloading its cargo.

The modernized military port, built with concrete, featured numerous warehouses, maintenance docks, and brand-new cranes for transporting goods. In this port, which was hard to believe that it was originally a peripheral region, not only were there national warships but also a significant number of foreign forces stationed.

First to arrive were the Emorish forces. Despite being a landlocked country, Emor was a major power. Their dragon carriers, Accen and Gosnia, were stationed in Doiva for Emor's forces to train day and night, adapting to the operation of dragon carriers.

Following them were the Mirishial forces. Even now, they continued expanding the port and bringing in more warships. Since Month 6, their main fleet has arrived in Doiva. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Magic Fleet, usually tasked with defending the east, all moored in Doiva's naval port, putting a strain on its capacity.

"The Mirishial ships are just too overwhelming. I wonder if Irnetia will be able to build those massive vessels eventually..."

He looked up at the floating giant ship before him.

That was the newest flagship of the Holy Mirishial Empire, the Adamant-class magic battleship. The Adamantine, the 1st Magic Fleet's flagship, was stationed here.

With a length of 240 meters, a beam of 40 meters, and a standard displacement of 41.000 tons, it boasted the Empire's highest firepower. Its main guns consisted of three triple Spirit 41 cm magic cannons arranged in superfiring configuration forward, and a secondary battery of one triple Spirit 20,3 cm cannon in the rear, which also packed considerable firepower. Additionally, it was equipped with six twin Spirit 12,7 cm anti-air magic cannons for air defense.

For anti-air firepower, it had:

- A total of 8 third-generation octuple Ixion 40 mm anti-air magic guns.

- 12 triple Actaeon 25 mm anti-air magic guns.

- 20 single Philrina 12,7 mm anti-air magic guns.

Its armor was made of adamantite-steel alloy, which had a higher magic conductivity than mithril, transforming into armor equivalent to twice the level of mithril when magic flowed through it. Furthermore, it was equipped with four 'Mermaid's Song' (Tears of the Wind God water jet) at the front and rear of the hull, allowing rapid direction changes. This innovation was groundbreaking and useful, expected to become standard on most Mirishial ships in the future. By the way, the Adamant-class was originally analyzed from artifacts found in the Sorcerous Empire's ruins. There were many uncertainties, and replication had not been successful until the analysis with the Grade Atlastar, which led to their resolution. They were successfully copied and improved.

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