Anything For You

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A few weeks had passed and they were back to their usual routine. With both of them back in the office, they were diligently working as it was now February.

Time flies when you're in love.

Sakura was in her final semester of medical school, so she would often be out of the office every other day. Her classes were scheduled in the mornings on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and she would spend the rest of the day at work on Tuesdays and Thursdays. After her classes, she would also pick up some shifts at the hospital for her residency.

Her schedule was always busy, but it had never been this intense. Since starting her residency, her workload had doubled. Even though 'Cha Pharmaceuticals' had expanded, she still handled the majority of the business.

It took some time for her team to come up with a suitable name, but they finally decided on one at the beginning of the year.

It was a perfect fit... especially for Sakura.

Word slowly spread around the office about Sakura and Sasuke's relationship, and surprisingly, no one had any objections. Some business partners even made comments about how they saw it coming. It seemed like everyone could sense the chemistry between them and had been waiting for them to become official.

Fortunately, there were no conflicts of interest thanks to Shizune handling the legal side of things. Sakura and Sasuke still made sure to be extra cautious, but since Sakura wasn't in the office every day, it wasn't too difficult.

Sakura stretched her arms in the elevator as she headed to Sasuke's floor. They were having lunch together in his office, and today was the day they would visit... his parents.

Both Sakura and Sasuke had been anticipating this, and she could sense his nervousness in the days leading up to it. It wasn't surprising considering he hadn't seen his parents in years. She was proud of Sasuke for taking this step, and she was determined to support him in any way she could.

As Sakura finally reached the floor, she passed Sai who was busy scheduling meetings for the following year, "Good afternoon," Sakura smiled as she stood in front.

Sai smiled back, "Good afternoon! Here to see Sasuke?"

So much better than Karin.

Thank God.

Sakura nodded, "He's not busy right?"

One thing she loved about Sasuke was how devoted he was to his work. She loved the way he'd get so serious when it came to his work, even though she sometimes thought he was overworking himself at times.

Sai gestured for Sakura to come in, "Not at all. He mentioned you two would be having lunch together, so I made sure to clear out his schedule for the remainder of the day."

Sasuke may prioritize his work... but he always made sure to put Sakura first.

Sakura smiled as she entered the office to see Sasuke scanning a few documents before she cleared her voice, "Are you hungry?"

Sasuke shut off the computer as he walked up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist, while placing a small kiss on her forehead, "I'm starving."

He's so fucking cute.

"Well lucky for you, I made sure to bring some homemade onigiri. I know how much you like them so I added more tomatoes in yours by the way," Sakura walked over to the office couch as she placed the items on the coffee table.

Sasuke sat down next to her, as they began to eat, "I'm thinking of seeing them around 3 today. You can still make it right?"

Sakura looked over to him, "Yeah of course I can."

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